The Boyfriend

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She buried herself in her bed as she watched Grey's anatomy. She hadn't even realized how much time had gone.

Her phone rang and she turned as she got out of the blanket trying to look for the phone. To her surprise it was under the bed, she pulled it out as she wondered how on earth it got there,but it was nothing for Minal , she is always losing her phone.

"Hello " was the first thing she heard from the other side of the line.  She smiled knowing who it was.
" Hey baby, I have missed you" she said as she laid back in bed,

"Oh sweetie I have missed you too, maybe even more"

"Well it doesn't seem that way." Rolling her eyes and thinking to herself how he could have ignored her for two whole days "Did you not see my missed call?"

"I am so sorry babes you know how it is with my dad and the company,its been hectic,you have no idea"

Minal was blinded by love and at this point she couldn't tell the difference between the truth and what seemed to be a lie or was she just lying to herself so she wouldn't lose him? Only God knew.

She kept smiling like a fool as they spoke for what seemed to be an eternity.

She ended the call and turned to her side table, her eyes widened as she saw how much time had passed, "subhanallah" it was already 5:20pm and she hadn't prayed Asr, she quickly jumped out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

As soon as she had finished,she brought out her Qur'an and began to recite from it, she was so engrossed in her recitation that she didn't even notice Amma was sitted on the bed behind her, as she listened carefully without a word until Minal had finished.

" I still haven't met anyone with a Qira'a like yours Minal, its a gift"

"When did you get here? " Minal asked pretending to be surprised, "Oh a while now" Amma replied in a nonchalant voice.

"So what are you doing?" Amma turned her eyes away from Minal and her laptop pretending not to see what she was actually doing.

Minal turned to look at her as she pushed her lips to a pout her eyes widened giving her a questionable look

" Fine" Amma murmured and rolled her eyes,  "Well I was thinking maybe we could go out for a while its been almost a week, just because you didn't hear from prince charming doesn't mean the world is coming to an end." She spoke as she raised her hand up to quote "prince charming"

Minal scoffed, "Well drama Queen, prince charming and I just spoke on the phone a while ago and yes I am up for what ever your plans are" she giggled as she walked over to her wardrobe, she got dressed in a baby pink dress and a blue scarf, she applied her lip gloss and kohl and turned to Amma sitting on the bed pressing her phone "By chance does going out include getting Sea food salad?"

Amma chuckled, "First on the list" as she ushered Minal out of the room.

No doubt the girls had the time of their lives, they decided to walk back home from the supermarket which was a few blocks away from their apartment when they bumped into Nadia and Sandra who happen to go to the same school as they do. The girls chit chatted as they walked them home, "what are you girls doing tomorrow?" Sandra asked,

"Well we have not thought of anything yet." Amma answered before Minal could cook up a lie.Minal gave out a sigh of defeat.

Sandra flipped her hair back and came closer to Minal placing her hand on her shoulder "How would you like to join us for lunch tomorrow?"

"Well its a great idea." Minal said as she forced her lips into a straight line faking a smile.

"Fine then, We will see you guys tomorrow." Nadia said hugging the two girls.

After Isha, Minal picked up her phone and dialed Nazeer's number.

The first call was not answered and so she dialed again. This time it was answered after the second beep "hello"

The voice on the other end of the line made her freeze and then managed a "Hi." So low it was almost to her hearing alone.

" It's the famous Minal Abubakar Mansur, Well the person you want to speak to isn't here, do you perhaps have a message for him? "

She opened her mouth to speak but all she could say was" No." And then she ended the call wondering who had answered her call and that she actually knew who she was. She couldn't bring herself to digest it.

Her thoughts were interrupted with the buzzing sound of her phone, she snapped out of her thoughts and answered the call "Babes...Sorry it was my little sister that answered the phone call."

Minal exhaled a deep breath and smiled to herself thinking of how she could even suspect her Nazeer of something like that. She was just jealous for no reason. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his voice,

"Minal are you there?" 

"Oh yes dear, I just couldn't bare the thought of you being with someone else."

He chuckled at the sound of that. "Of course not. I am yours, always and forever Minal." He exhaled a deep breath that gave her goose bumps. "I can't bring myself to love another Minal. You know that right?"

"I know, I am sorry for thinking like that, I couldn't help it "

" It's okay my love. I would have acted in the same manner if I were in your position. "

The couple spoke for a while and then said their goodbyes. Minal went to sleep immediately for her day was as fun as it was exhausting.

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