Chapter 5

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(Lilys pov)

I wake up in total darkness. I try to sit up to better analyze my surroundings. I immediately lay back down when I feel the excruciating pain in my hip. I touch my hip only to realize thst it's all bandaged. I now know where I am.

I am in a hospital, and it's all Harry's fault. I hate him, I hate everything about him. Why can't he just leave me alone. That's when I relize this is my chance to escape. I slowly unhook the wires from my arms. I'm suprised when nothing beeps. Then I relize none of the machines were on in the first place.

I can hear frantic voices in the hall. I suddenly hear the knob turn. I run back to the bed and pretend to be sleeping.

"She looks fine. She seems to be doing the best out of most of the patients. The blackout shouldn't effect her too much." A nurse says before leaving the room.

Thats why all the lights and machines are off. We are experiencing a black out. I slowly re-exit the bed. Ready for my escape. I make it out the door and around the hall. Then I stop dead in my tracks.

"What room is she in? He asks Eleanor. I try to exit out the front door. But it's too late he caught me.

(Harrys pov)

Around 9 pm me and the boys head for Armandos house. We each take a gun. Me Louis and Zayn ride together. While Niall and Liam do in another car. We pull up to the drive way of Armandos house. I go up to the door alone. I knock and Armando opens it.

"You know I don't have time for your fucking games anymore," I spit out at him.

"Whoa Harry calm down." he says looking a little frightened. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"You know?" I say.

And just like that I send a bullet through his brain. He drops to the floor dead. in the entrance of his house. A loud chuckle escapes my lips. I call for Louis to help me move his body to my car. Zayn and Niall go clean up the mess I left.

Liam, Louis, and I drive a few miles away to drop the body off, and then I head to the hospital alone. I walk into the hospital with a hood on, and my head hung low. When I enter the hospital it's dark. Except for the glow of the candles. Must have been a black out.

I search for Eleanor. When I find her I go and sit down by her. "What did the doctor say about Lily?"

"He said she had a shattered hip, and some burns but she will survive."

"Oh.... Well what room is she?"

Eleanor is about to answer, but stops when she notices something. I turn around in my seat to see what Eleanor is looking at. It's her, and I know what she was trying to do. I walk over to her, as she cowers away from me.

(Lilys pov)

He walks over to me, as I cower away in fear. "I see you were trying to escape again. You know what happens to girls who try to escape twice?"

"W-w-what I stumble out in fear."

"They get whipped," he whispers in my ear.

"No please no," I say close to tears.

"Oh yes please yes," he mimcks. ""just what till we get home."

it feels like the life has been taken out of me, and my legs start shaking. I fall to the ground in front of Harry. But I don't pass out.

"What the hell are you doing?" Harry asks bending down in front of me.

It takes a minute, but pretty soon the pain in my hip becomes unbearable. I start screaming out in pain, as nurses try to find me in the dark candlelight hospital. Finally I'm being rushed on a hospital bed.

"She has internal bleeding we need to do an emergency surgery."

"But we can't not in the blackout."

"Then we must move her to another hospital. That's the only way for her to live."

I can her the doctors determining what to do in order to save my life. Then I hear his voice emerge from the darkness.

"Just let her die."


I will try and update again soon.




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