Chapter 19

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It suddenly feels as if my whole world has fallen apart. The nurses keep restraining me, and I keep yelling for Harry. Finally the nurses drag me back to my room. One nurse comes over to me.

"We just called your parents,  their on the next plane to London."

"Thanks," I say with a fake smile. I love my parents more than anything. But if they come I know I will never get to see Harry again. I'm gonna have to escape this place, and soon.

One of the nurses comes in and turns on the tv, and my attention is immediately turned to the tv.

"Harry Styles was has just pleaded guilty to over nine murder accounts, and numerous other felonies. Like his recent kidnapping
of a Brooklyn girl. His execution will be held in 24- hours stay tuned for more news."

I immediately start crying. I have to get out of here now and save Harry. I take out my cellphone and call Eleanor. Ten minutes later Eleanor arrives.

"I will cause a distraction, and then I will be back to get you," Eleanor says.

"What are you gonna do?"

"You'll see she says with a smirk on her face."

All of a sudden I here commotion in the hallway, and nurses all running into a room a few rooms down. Opposite to the exit. Eleanor comes in, and puts me in  a wheelchair. She quickly wheels me into the parking lot. She gets me in the car, and we speed off.

"You pulled the plug," I say with a smile.

"He was gonna die anyways," she says with a smile. "I just helped speed up the process."

We countiue to speed down the road to the mansion.

"Niall, Louis, Liam, Zayn?" I shout out.

Four boys come stomping down the steps. "What? Wait why are you here Lily?" Zayn says.

"Eleanor how the hell did you get out if the house?" Louis angrily asks.

"Yeah, and where's Harry?" Niall questions.

"Well first of all Niall left the front door open," Eleanor says smiling.

"Seriously?" Louis says giving Niall a look.

"What?" Niall says shrugging his shoulders.

"It doesn't matter," I interrupt before they get into a blown out argument. "Harry was arrested,  and he's gonna be executed tomorrow," I say tears falling down my face. "I need your guy's help."

"Fuck," I hear Liam say. "This is bad."

"Okay were gonna need a plan," Louis says. "Eleanor and Lily go with Niall, he will teach you self defense. Liam Lock all the girls up in a room, besides Perrie, tell her to meet Niall in the living room. Zayn go get the weapons. Liam meet me in the security room when your done. Okay everyone get going."

Perrie, me, and Eleanor sit on the couch as we wait for Niall. He comes in with three guns in hand. "First thing is shooting. You need to be able to mentally and physically shoot someone. Come downstairs all of you," He says.

We follow him downstairs, amd their is a man sitting in a chair, and I immediately know what he wants us to do.

"Shoot," he says smirking.

The man in the chair is trying to act all tough. "Do you really think I'm scared of three little girls? You guys won't shoot."

Perrie shoots the man in the foot without missing.  surprising us all. "Eleanor your turn," Niall says.

"Okay," she says surprisingly calm. She circles the man. "Lets see were should I get you at. Hmmm. Ahhh I know." Just like that she shots him in the dick and he screams bloody murder.

I decide to make a bold move. I'm tiered of always being the cripple here, and the weak one who always gets injured. So I get up out of my wheelchair, and kick it to the side. I walk up to the man who is now crying. I whisper in his ear.

"Does it hurt?" He nods. "I bet it does," I say smacking him across the face with my gun.

The others are watching me in amusement. "I would just put you out of your pain, and misery. You would like that wouldn't you?" I say smiling.

The man start nodding his head. "I figured, but you see that would be a nice thing for me to do, and im not nice. I'd rather let you bleed to death, but before I do so, I have a present for you." I shoot him in the shoulder. "Happy birthday.  I'll be back later to blow the candles out."

We all walk up stairs. "That was amazing," Niall says smiling,  while the other girls clap.

"Well thanks, what's next?"

Niall pulls of three knifes. "All we have to do is work on throwing knifes. So I want you all to throw three knives into the middle of that target," he says pointing at the target.

My aim is okay,  after, an hour of knife throwing were done. "Now come with me," Niall says leading us back downstairs.

"It's almost time to go, and you need to bd prepared. Put this on," he says handing us each, black skintight, elastic jumpsuits. Then he hands boots. I slip them on, and put two knives in each boot. Last we put on a belt, I put two different guns in it pepper spray, and lots of amo.

I put my hair up in a ponytail,  and put an ear piece in my ear. The other boys come down stairs. Liam and Louis go over the plan with us. Niall, and Liam will kill of the first set of guards. Perrie will shut off the security system. Louis and Zayn will kill of the remaining security guards, besides the ones guarding Harry's cell. Then when me, and Eleanor get the all clear, we will kill off the other security guards and break Harry out.

"Okay all ready?" Louis asks. We all nod Louis gives Eleanor a hug before we all go our separate ways. I have adrenaline rushing through my veins, and im ready to do this.


I really do apologize for not being on I will try to double update. I will start updating 3 or more times a week.


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