Perries Epilouge

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5 months later

I spent a lot of time trying to get over Lily and the other boys. We all even lived together for sometime, and the Eleanor and Harry just up and left. And I haven't heard from them since then. And some days it feels like I'm mourning the loss of them, on top of everyone else. The only person I have left is Zayn. Me and Zayn walk the cold streets of Brooklyn to visit Lily's grave where we buried her, so she could be at home.

We walk up to the grave. Zayn is silent, as I lay rose on her gravestone. A dead butterfly also lays perfectly on her grave almost as if someone put it there someone like Harry. I cry thinking of him and Lily. How they should have grown old together. How they should have had their baby.

Me and Zayn fly back to London we're we now live, and visit the other two boys graves. I think of the dead butterfly that night before I go to bed what could it mean.

Years later me and Zayn get married. We still think about the pain and sorrow but we try to put it behind is for the sake of our son and two daughters. But the past always finds a way to haunt us, and the sorrow and pain always becomes unbearable. And we end up splitting up, and just like that I never see Zayn again. And I'm left an unstable wreck to take care of our children.

Just imagine it like this, a mom who so badly wants to be there for her kids but can't. She sits in her room every day crying, while her 17 year old son takes care of her 5 year old daughter and her 12 year old daughter. And what if she never gets better. That would be me.

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