Chapter 37

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(Zayns pov)

Me and Louis pull up to a run down bar, where one half of The Boss's front men stay getting wasted. We walk up to the bar and open the door. There should be three men here. "Do you here that?" Louis asks.

"Ya," I whisper.




Three more gunshots. "Follow the sound," I say. As we cautiously walk through the dark bar.

We enter a dimily lit corridor. Blood sprayed across the walls. A dead cold body on the ground. A sinster man standing over his body. The man turns around, and looks at us. "Hi Zayn," the man says smiling.

"Dad?" I say in shock.

"Suprise suprise Zayn. You know two of our members of 'The Prey' are dead. only four left. Louis that includes yours and Liams dad."

"Wait," Louis says. Almost unable to comprehend what he's telling us. "You guys were part of 'The Prey' this whole time. All five of you. And every fucking time we lost someone we loved it was because of you guys. Our own parents." Louis yells.

Anger rages through both of us. "How could you!?" I yell. "You tried to kill your own son many times. I thought I loved you. You killed mom. How could you have."

That's when all the puzzle pices started to fit. All of our dads joined together with The Boss man to make 'The Prey'. Our families knew to much so they killed them. Lastly they had to figure out how too kill us. Because we also knew too much. But we are just as good as them maybe even better. They struggled to kill us. So they had to pull in lots of help. I look at my dad in disgust. As louis processes the same thing I do.

Suddenly though I hear my dad say. "Say goodbye to your friend Zayn," it's too late he shoots Louis in the chest.

"You bastard," I yell shooting my father before he can shoot me.I shoot him mutiple times in the head to ensure his death. I walk over to Louis. I rip off my shirt, and try to stop the blood. I'm about to run out to the car, and go to the hospital. When I hear gunshots come from that way.

We are trapped.  "Hang on Louis I'll get you help," I say through tears.

I try to call Niall and Liam but none of them anserw. So I call Lily.

(Lily's pov)

I anserw the phone.

"Hello? Zayn?"

"Lily come quick. Louis got shot, and there are more people outside."

"Were on our way we are coming."

"Guys we have to go now," I say explaining it all too them. We speed over to the bar. Unsure what to expect.  Eleanor trys to stay calm in thw seat next to me. While Perrie trys not to jump out of the moving car.

We pull up at the bar, and a man lies dead in the entryway. When we walk in a man I notice as Liams dad from pictures is standing there.

"Hello, Girls," he smirks. "I see you've come to rescue your men."

"Wait your part of 'The Prey' too?"

"Honey we all are. Smart people would know that by now."

And all the puzzle pieces fit together.  I can see the big picture now. And I understand it all.

"You son of a bitch," Perrie yells going off again. While he's distracted, Eleanor runs off into the back room to help Louis. I stay with Perrie not because she needs help, but because she should not be left alone.

Perrie shoots the motherfucker mutiple times going off again. I have to stop her again. "Let's go," I say taking her gun and keeping it. She starts screaming for it so I point the gun at her foot.

"If you don't stop I will shoot you. I'm not kidding."

"No you won't, " she says putting her hands on her hips like a bratty bitch.

"Watch me," I say shooting her in the foot.

"Som of a bitch," she yells. Calming back down too her normal self.

"Glad to have you back," I say walking off.

"What the hell?" Perrie yells. "Couldn't you have smacked me upside the head like a normal person?" She yells.

"Sorry I yell back.

"I walk into the room were Louis is barely concious.  Eleanor I will go with you to take Louis to the hospital. Zayn I think your girlfriend might need some first aid."

"What?" He says.

"Just go."


Me and Eleanor take Louis to the hospital and Zayn tends to Perrie. We quickly pull up to the hospital, and walk in. At the same time we see Liam come running in with an unconscious Niall in his arms. Then comes a raging Perrie as Zayn trys to calm her down. And as if we needed this. A worried Harry walks through the doors. Covered in dirt? Wait what?  Why is he covered in dirt. And then all hell breaks lose. And i have the anserw to my question. Who will be the next to break and have a mental break down. The answer. All of us.


Spam of chapters more coming yeah!!!!!

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