Chapter 31

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(Lily's pov)

Perrie ends the call with Niall when all of a sudden her phine starts beeping.

"Fuck," she yells.

"Perrie what's going on."

Perrie looks at me anger going through her eyes. "That beeping sound tells me when the tracking device on my phone has been activated. I set it up so I could know when Zayn was spying on me. They fucking know where we are," she shouts.

"Damnit," I curse under my breath. "Turn your phone off."

"Already on it."

"Okay grab the note, and read it. Then we have to get to our next destination before the boys find us," Perrie says.

I pick up the next clue off the grave and read it aloud.

" Fear spreads across your body as Pablo and  Marco capture you.  Imagine what they would have done if not for you lover.
Who do they really work for?

Look around the answer is right in front of you. 11,11

   - The Boss"

"Is it just a weird coincidence that the boss also had a bodyguard named Pablo?" Perrie asks.

"I don't know but were about to find out."

"Find grave 11,11."

We go to the 11th row and 11th gravestone.

"There's nothing on the headstone."

"Are you sure this is the right grave?"

"Yes Perrie i'm sure."

"Then who's buried here?"

"Looks like were gonna have to find out."

My eyes suddenly go wide "Perrie duck," I yell pulling her down." A knife skims eight over the top of her head.

"Where did that come from?" I shake my head picking up the knife. "Perrie look." The knife is already covered in blood. New blood.

Suddenly I see a mans reflection in the knife. A smirk spreads across his face. "I believe that belongs to me."

Perrie slowly turns around. Without having to be told we both stand up, and start running as fast as our legs take us. The man starts running after us.

(Harry's Pov)

We get on the first plane to Brooklyn, Newyork.

"Dammit she turned her phone off," Zayn says.

"Fuck," I say under my breath.

5 Hours later

Finally the plane lands. I know at this point the girls are probably on their way home. We get our luggage and head straight for Anser Avenue. They most likely won't be here but this could lead us to them. Zayn pulls up into the parking lot, and we get out. We skim the rows when something stands out. A bloody grave site.

"Zayn look," I say pointing at the grave.

"Oh my," he says covering his mouth.

There is an empty grave stone splattered in blood. A bloody knife lays near the grave stone. A note is attached to the grave stone.

' I have Perrie and Lily. If you wanna find them alive. Come to 5th Avenue. And make sure they don't go on another mission.


"Zayn they were with The Boss." The boss is a man who sets people up. He sends them on missions. Their real and everything discovered from these missions is real. That's why it's so dangerous. They will discover the top murders secrets. That's what will get them killed. That's why Alex has them now.

"We've gotta save them," Zayn nochelontely says.

(Lilys pov)

My head is bleeding profusely, and my stomach is black and blue from being kicked mutiply times. Barley concious, i'm tied to a chair. Perries in the next room. I can hear her cries for help. This wasen't supposed to happen. I was supposed to escape this man. We were set up by that Boss man. He literally sent us into a death trap. If I get out of her alive I wilk personally kill him myself. No not if when I get out of here. I am Onna Luxenburg a bad ass motherfucking killer. I will not sit here and be beat like a doll. Not gonna happen sorry.

I wiggle around in the chair, and try to wiggle the ties on my hands lose. luckily I have small hands and I'm able to wiggle my hands out of the ties. Stupid bastard should have tied the ties a little tighter. I untie the ties around my ankles. I have no clue where this man is. So I quietly make my way to Perries room. Using all my strength to walk. A smile spreads across her face when she sees me. I help her get out of the ties that bound her to the chair. We quietly walk down a hallway an standing right there is the man.

He is covered in tattoos. He has dark black hair, and he wears eye liner. He gives me chills. He starts clapping. "Great job girls you escaped. You didn't actually think you would get away? Did you?" He says laughing.

I gather all my strength. Perrie is next to me trembling. But I put on a brave front, and I snap back at himm He dosen't expect my next actions.

"See thats where you are wrong. We are and we will walk out of here alive," he looks suprised at my sudden confidence.

Perrie catches on, walks up to him. He trys to grab her but  she quickly runs around him. Taken aback she grabs the gun from his belt, and points it at him. He's about to grab it from her hand, but she immediately retracts it. I stand their laughing, but stop because it hurts.

All of a sudden Zayn and Harry burst through the door. Their face goes from worry to confusion when they see Perrie pointing a gun at the man. "We came here to save you," Zayn says out of breath.

"Haha to late," I say my voice becoming weak. Slowly my vision becomes blurry. I can hear faint voices,  as I fall back. Everyone thing goes black.

Not everyone can be a winner.


Thanks vall for reading pls comment.  1 comment 2 votes for an update thanks to all who read. Make sure to spread the word about this story.

p.s. Sorry about this being a short update. I will have a longer one tommorrrw hopefully.

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