Chapter 28

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"So are you gonna write back?" Harry asks.

"Harry I love you so much for doing this, butt I can't write back."

"Why?" He says confused.

"Well what would I tell them. Hi guys I don't wanna be found. I'm also a cereal killer now. I don't think so. I think it's better for me to just disapear. Harry I want them to think I'm dead."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I think it's best that way."

"Okay," he says walking off. "I'll take care of it."

The other boys walk off too, so does Eleanor. That leaves just me and Perrie.

"Wanna do something?" I ask. Ready to get my mind off this whole thing.

We decide to go out for a few drinks. We go to a run down bar on the bad side of

El Sueco, Mexico. The place is very run down, and scary even for me. We walk in and men start to stare. Some even whistle.

"Maybe we should leave," Perrie whispers.

I look torwads the exit, and see a big burly man coverd in scars, and tattoos guarding the exit. Perrie also turns her attention to the door. Their not gonna let us out thet's for sure. "Or not," Perrie takes back her earlier suggestion.

"I know your scared Perrie,  but put on a brave face and act like your not. That's the only way to get out alive." She nods in agreement.

I suddenly relize I don't have a weapon. How could I be so stupid. A large man about 6"7 walks up to us. "¿ por què estuàs aquí." The man starts speaking Spanish and I become really nervous.

"Perrie do you know Spanish?"


"Ummm.... Um No comprehendo?" Perrie says.

"Ahhh I see you speak no Esponãl."

"Si," Perrie nods her head up and down.

"Mátalos su inútil." The man speaks something to the men behind him. Making me very nervous. All of a sudden the men move closer and closer.

"We have to leave now," I whisper.

We turn around to run; but I run smack dab into some mans large chest. Shit.

I back up into another mans chest. We have been traped. One man trys to grab a hold of Perrie,  but she quickly moves to the side, and dodges around people like a bullet to get to me. Damn the speed and agility training really works. Time to try and put my boxing skills to use. I punch the man in the chest as hard as possible. He stumbles back a little, yes. Giving me enough space to run out. 

When all of a sudden a man emerges from the darkness. I assume he's the boss. I try to run again but, a man grabs a hold of both me and Perrie, and we're stuck.

"Who do you work for?" The man yells at us.

"None of your business," Perrie yells back.

"Ahh I see. Pablo keep them in the dark room until their ready to anser questions."  The man carrys us away. He locks us in a small room. Like closet size. Its empty, and dark, as one would assume.

"Perrie do you have your phone?"

"Yeah but theirs no reception."

"Shit do you have any weapons?"

"A gun," She says smiling.  She takes the gun, and shots at the lock. The lock breaks, and the bullet ricochets into the back wall. Perrie sticks the gun back into her belt, and we open the door. A big burly man is blocking the exit, with his arms crossed.

"This is just great," I say throwing my hands up in the air. I think for a second. What would the boys do in this situation. Fight they would fight back. But theirs no way we would be able to beat these men in a fight. But.... We might be able to out run them.

I look at Perrie, and start running in pace. She catches on. The man is yelling things but I don't understand what he's saying. I hold my hand by my side, and count two three with them. On the third finger. Perrie runs left, and I run right as fast as possible. We run, and don't look back were almost out the door when I hear someone say.


It sounds a lot like my brother's voice.


Sorry Ik this chapter is short I might update again today im not sure. Sense today is fathers day.


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