Chapter 32

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(Harry's Pov)

Me and Zayn burst through the doors. All of a sudden our faces go from concerned to confused when we see Perrie holding a gun to the killers head. Damn they are good.

"We came here to save you," Zayn says out of breath.

"Ha too late," Lily says her voice weak and faint.

"Lily are you okay?" I say. All of a sudden her eyes start to roll back, intill you can only see the whites of her eyes. "Lily," I yell running over to her. Catching her before she falls.

Perrie immediately shooys the guy in the head and runs over to us. I don't even worry about disposing his body. The only thing on my mind is getting Lily to a hospital. I run to my car, and Perrie sits in the back with Lily. Zayn sits next to me. I drive to the closest hospital in New York. I get out of the car and run through the hospital doors. Zayn and Perrie behind me.

"Help somebody help," I yell. Nurses and Doctors come running as they take Lily's lifeless body away from me. This is all The boss's fault. I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch.

A few hours later a doctor comes out. Hi I'm Dr.McKinney are you guys here for Ms. Luxenburg?" He adress her by her disguise. Damb she's good. She has everything all planned out.

"Yes," we all say. Luckily Zayn and I were smart enough to put on a disguise before coming to New York.

The doctor has a look of sympathy on his face. "I'm very sorry,  but Onna's hip has re-shattered. She will be in extreme physical pain for the next 2 months or so." My heart breaks when he syas this. I can't bear to see Lily in pain.

"When will she be able to come home?" Perrie asks.

"Today actually," he says a smile spreading across his face.

"Great," Perrie says unsure of this guy.

"Can I visit her now," I ask a little to eager.

"No you will have to wait intill you take her home," the guy says. Fake emotion written all over his damn face. "I'm sorry," he says walking away.

As if reading our minds Zayn says. "Their is something shady about that guy."

"Ya," Perrie agrees.

"I agree too, I don't trust that man."

"So what do we do?" Perrie asks.

"Here's what we do, Perrie I want you to sneak Into the main office, and find his files. Zayn find that son of a bitch and make sure he dosen't move. I will sneak into Lily's room. Everyone stay alert. Call for back up if needed."

"Ok," Everyone agrees and we all go our separate ways.

I find out where Lilys room is, and I go down the hall to her room. On the outside of the door it says Isolation Ward. Why would Lily be in an isolation ward? I walk into the room and I immediately call Zayn for backup.

(Perries pov)

I make my way to the fire alarm near the fronr desk. I pull it when no one is watching. I back away slowly.  Nobody seems to notice me. All of a sudden the fire alarms start blaring. The nurses and everyone start to panic. Soon the front desk is all cleared out. I look for Dr.McKinney's files. When find them nothing stands out. Until I realize these are fake papers. Dr.McKinney is hidding something, and I don't know what.

(Harry's pov)

When I walk in the room I see her lifless body laying on a table. Cuts run across her face. Cuts that where not their before. I see poctures lined up on a wall. Pictures of me. Pictures of Lily. Pictures of us all. Then I see a the words Prey. Prey is the name of the gang Nialls father belongs to. Nialls father works with Marco,  and the boss. This guy is part of his gang. Finally Zayn comes running in. He sees the pictures, and he stands there frozen. "Shit," he mutters under his breath. I walk over to Lily, and unstrap her from the table. I hand her to Zayn. Then I go over to the wall. Ripping each paper off the wall one by one. Destroying the room letting all my rage and anger out. Because at that very moment I have relized that if I really love Lily I have to let her go. This life is just to dangerous. She's been at deaths door just one too many times.


Sorry I HAVEN'T updated ive been out of town. I wasen't able to edit thks chapter because I really wanted to get it up quick sorrry..I will try and update tomorrow though.


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