Chapter 41

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( Perries pov)

I sit in a room were people test me to determine if I'm crazy.

"What do you see here?" The lady questions. She holds up a picture of a gun. "What emotions to you feel?"

"I refuse to answer. I'm not crazy." I solemnly say.

"Please just cooperate for me," the nurse says getting annoyed.

"No," I stubbornly say. " And I suggest you let me go now because I can play this game all day."

The lady lets out a long sigh "I can't do that."

"Fine suit your self," I say crossing my legs and focusing on my fingernails.

"Fine I will make a deal," she whispers. "Anserw the questions and I'll make sure that you get out of here no matter what."

"Whatever," I say acting uninterested.

She holds up the picture of a gun again. "What do you see here."

"A gun."

"And how does it make you feel."

"You know the feeling you get when you watch your kid do something amazing?"

The doctor nods unsure.

"Well every time I pull the trigger of that gun and kill some one I feel like that. Amazing, proud, exhilarated." I say laughing.

"So can I go now?"

" Yes," she nods still with fear and shock.

"Thank you," I skip out of the room humming. Once I get out of the room I give up the act. I just want to be done. I just want to go home and sleep. I want to forget this all ever happened. To bad it doesn't work that way.

I walk into the lobby and find a crying Eleanor, Zayn, and Harry.

"Guys what happened," I say in concern.

"L-l-Lily's gone. Liam killed her," Eleanor says through sniffles.

"She's really gone?" I ask tears falling down my face.

"Come here." Zayn says holding out his arms. I let him comfort me, it feels good to be in his arms again. But my whole world is falling apart. All of our worlds are falling apart. Harry just sits in a chair alone completely still, and silent. His eyes wet from crying before.

When another nurse comes bearing bad news. "Are you here for Louis or Niall?"

"Both," Harry speaks up emotionlessly. "Why are they dead," Harry painfully laughs.

The nurse looks at us seriously. "I'm so sorry." Eleanor breaks down crying even more.

"Great just great," Harry says throwing his hands up in the air. His eyes starting to water again.

We all sit alone in the lobby grieving and crying none of us won anything. We lost everything. I just bury my head in Zayn's chest and cry.

I'm gonna have an epilogue for all if the surviving people.

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