Chapter 35

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(Lily's pov)

I wake up on my own bed. I quickly sit up and feel around the bed for Harry, like I always do in the morning. Then I remember he's gone. It wasn't all just a nightmare. I actually killed him. Tears start to roll down my face but I quickly wipe them away. I look over at the clock.  It's only 5.a.m. so I get up out of bed. No one else in the house is awake. I throw on my skinny jeans, and Harry's sweatshirt. I grab a gun, and a knife. I throw my hair up, and quickly and quietly walk out the front door.

I get into Harry's old car, and drive to the airport. A gew hours later, the private het lands in Brooklyn, Newyork. I deive to the hospital, and get in through the dolr without being seen. I look for the isolation room. I remember that room. That's were he put me. I cant remember the mans name, but I would know him if I saw him.

I find the isolation room and walk in. Papers are scattered every where. All the signs that where on the wall before, now lay in a scattered mess on the floor. Except for one. The poster on the wall says, 'Hypnosis for the crazy.'

That little bastard. He hypnotized me, he tryed to make me think Harry was the enemy. I bend down and look through the papers on the floor. That's when I see it 'The Prey,' This man belongs to the prey. The gang that has my brother.  The gang that tried to kill me and Harry. All of a sudden the doorknob turns. I drop the papers and stand up.

A man with a sinister smile stands in the doorway. His Dr. coat says Dr.McKinney. Thats him. That's the man that tried to hypnotize me.

"Hello Lily. Did you come to join the dark side?"

"In your dreams," I laugh in his face.

He looks genuinely shlcked when I say this.

"Looks like your little hypnosis trick didn't work," I say. Even though that's not true. His little trick made me kill Harry. He dosen't need to know that though.

"Now tell me where my brother is?" I say.

"He's dead," the man says. In my heart I know he's telling the truth too. I'll mourn about that later though. Right now I have more important matters to take care of.

"Take a seat," I say pointing the gun at his head.

"You don't scare me."

I shoot him in nuts as Eleanor would.

"What about now?"I say smiling. As he screams in pain.

He slowly and painfully sits down in the chair.

"Now where is the rest of the gang?"

"Why would I tell you?"

"Because," I say shooting him in the arm.

"All you need to know is in that file over their," he says in pain.

"Hmm.. okay," I say walking over there.

I look at the files. It's in some kind of code language.

"Explain now," I command throwing the file onto his laugh.

"No," he mawks me.

"Okay." I take a knife out of my pocket. I slowly glide it across his neck.

"Do it, and I won't kill you."

He gulps in fear. "Okay."

He explains it to and then I get up. "Thank you," I say smiling innocently. "Bye-bye," I say walking up to him. I put my gun up to his head.

"Wait no!" he yells. "You said you wouldn't kill me,"

he screams.

"I did? Opps," I say putting my hand up to my mouth. "Sorry I forgot," I say. I shoot him in the skull. killing him instantly. "Not."

I take the files, I lock the door behind me, and head to the runway. I get on the plane,  amd head for Mexico. Time to take this gang down one by one and end the game. The Boss is next. Without a leader the 'The Prey' is nothing. Get ready for War.


I will try to update soon. And comment below.  Do u want Harry to live or die?


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