Chapter 21

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A small smirk starts to spread across my face.


We are about to began when banging noises start to sound on the door.

"Eleanor on second thought I think we should just go get Harry, and burn this place down."

"Agreed." Eleanor quickly runs over to the door, and jams it. Holding off who ever is on the other side.

We run to the end of the corridor, and find a Hallway that leads to one door. Their are no guards outside of Harry's room. They must have been in the other hallway.  I run up to the door, but it's locked.

"just great the damn door is locked."

"Hold on," Eleanor says taking out her gun. With all of her might she slams her gun into the little glass window. The glass shatters, and Harry immediately gets up from his sleep.

"What the fuck?" He says confused.

"Harry it's me and Eleanor we are here to break you out. We need to hurry though."

"Lily, oh my god.  I thought I'd never see you again. Come here."

I walk up to Harry, and he puts his hands on my cheek. "I love you so much, are you okay?"

"Yah, I ju-"

Eleanor cuts me off.

"Yeah she's fine, we just got shot it's all good. Now lets go because were running out of fucking time."

(Harry's pov)

When I heard Lily's voice I couldn't believe it. She came back to save me. She is the absolute best thing thats happened to me. I'm brought out of my thoughts by Eleanor.

"So Harry you need to climb out the window."

"What the fuck?" I say looking at the small window.  Maybe a baby could fit through it, but thats about it. "Are you stupid? I can't fit through that."

"Okay your right."

"Wait look," Lily says. "The keys."

"Thank God," I say. Lily takes the keys and opens the door. I run out embracing her in a big hug.

"Okay lets go now," Eleanor complains. We exit out the door, and I enter a room with about 20 dead bodies and eight hostages.

"Did you guys do this?" I say with a smile on my face.

"That's what these bitches get for shooting us in the fucking leg," Lily says waving her finger in the air. Damn she looks so hot in that outfit.

I just laugh. "Well you better finish off the rest."

"Okay this will be quick," Lily says walking away with Eleanor.

"Time to go night-night," Eleanor says waving good bye, and just like that the girls shoot all eight off them dead with surprisingly good aim.

"Okay ready to go," Lily says smiling like nothing happened.

"Yeah," I say grabbing a hold of her hand. She has definitely changed. I like, and I don't. Because now I won't have all the power.

We enter the next corridor. Their are twelve dead bodies, and Louis and Zayn. "You guys didn't here hs banging on the door, we thought you were dead," Louis says.

"Oh sorry," Eleanor says. Walking up to him, and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"It's all good now."

"Anyways nice to see you Harry," Zayn says. "Did you guys leave the bomb in the other corridor?"

Lily nods. "Okay then leave one in here to Zayn says." Lily obeys carefully setting a bomb down in the middle of the room.

We move to the next corridor, place a bomb, and leave with Niall, ans Liam. Then we find Perrie leave the last bomb, and walk out the door. As we do all the bombs go off. We here the explosion, and a smile spreads across all of our faces.

(Lily's pov)

We did it. We saved Harry. And we got out alive.








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