Chapter 27

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The next morning I wake up at 2 A.m. I wake Harry up this time too. I shake him a few times intill he stirs in the sleep.

"What the fuck. What time is it?" He asks waking up.

"2 a.m."

"Lily why are you waking me up at 2 a.m.?"

"You said you wanted to come with me to see David."

"Wait what time do you go to these trainings?"

"3 A.m."

"Great just great," he says throwing off the covers. He changes into his skinny jeans and a t-shirt. He sticks a gun in his belt. His baggy shirt hiding it. I throw on my Blue hodie from pink, some leggings and uggs. I stick a knife into my boot.

"Hey Harry?" I say as we walk downstairs.


"Why do you think David is training us if he's bad?"

"I don't know but that's whats so concerning."

We meet the boys, and The other two girls downstairs. "So we all have weapons right?" Everyone nods "And just so you know David warned us not to bring you."

"Okay," Liam says, "lets go."

Harry,Niall, Liam and Louis ride together.  Zayn, me and the girls ride together.

I pull a cigarette out of my pocket, and offer one to Zayn who gladly excepts. I've really gotten hooked on these things. We finally pull up at the small building. We walk in, and David's smile immediately fades once he sees the boys. "What are they doing here?" He whispers into my ear.

Everyone stares at us in fear. After all we are the styles gang though. We are pretty fucking scary.

"I think you know why."

"So David," Harrys says walking up to him.

(Harry's pov)

I walk closer and closer to him. "What do you want why are you training the girls?"

"Umm..... um.... they threatened me." David stutters. David may be bigger than me but he has nowhere close to the skill level of fighting I have, and he knows that.


"Yeah they said you would be me up."

"Don't play that shit with me that's not why you did it."

"Fine I did it to get into her pants, she's so damn hot."

(Lilys pov)

Did he just say he did it get in my pants. oh I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch. Harry's eyes fill with anger. He's about to attack him when I stop him.

"Let me do it."

"Fine,"Harry says his voice filled with anger. He moves to the side.

"How dare you. I really thought you were smarter than that. After all I did warn you."

"Everyone get of off here right now. Where closed a for now. Come back tommorrow." Niall, and Liam start pushing people out.

Perrie locks the door. "So guys do any of you need him for anything or can I kill him?"

"Nope." Everyone says with their arms crossed.

"Okay then."

I take the knife and put it up to his neck. I look in to his eyes. "Tell me the real reason why."

"Your really gonna kill me aren't you?"

I nod

"I did it because I wanted your trust. Harry owes me money, and I wanted to break in and get it."

"So thats whaf you were looking for the first time," Louis says.

He nods.

"He's a traitor kill hill him," Eleanor yells.

"Babe reign it in regin it in," Louis says. I start laughing reall hard. But the I stop oh shit I'm supposed be hard core and mysterious im supposed to make this guy pee his pants. I can't do this anymore i've already made a fool of myself. I quickly just stab the man in the heart and walk away.

"Um... what was that?" Liam questions.

I just stand their.  "I um I'm not sure."

"Yeah me neither," Harry says confused.

"This didn't really go as planned," Eleanor says.

"Yah think," I say.

"Lets just move the body and leave," Perrie suggests.

"Good idea," I say.

The boys put the body in the car and The girls, and I stay back to clean up the mess. The boys told us they usally just take their victims to the middle of nowhere and burn them. We alm meet back at the house at the same time. Perfect timing. There's a box sittin on the step, when we get back. Addressed to Lily from Jhon.

I open the box, and inside is a letter and a present that is wrapped. It says:

Dear Lily,
We all miss you so much, and want you to come home. I don't know if you'll ever get this but if you do I bet your wondering how you got it. I got a nlte in the mail I don't know who it is from, and I no longer have the note but it had an adress. It said to send something to you. Lily who took you from the hospital? Who took you at all. Mom crys everyday. Mom and dad are getting A divorce. Molly says she misse you alot. I miss you alot too.

Your big brother Jhon

I open the package it's a picture of me and my family at the beach. In a frame we picked out from California.

"Oh my gosh Harry did you do this?"

He nods. I run ul to him and give him a big hug. "I love you so much."

If only my parents knew what I was like today.They might be scared of me, They might even hate me.


Guys I have just realsed a whe bunch of chapters because I my self am really getting into this story I will update more in the morning enjoy.
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