Eleanor's Epilouge

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8 months after everything

After Louis death I mourned for a long time. I even moved in with Perrie and Zayn, and then I left. I never ever saw them again. Me and Harry moved in together. He was the closest thing I had to Louis. I was the closest thing he had to Lily. We never even loved each other, and we both new that. We were just trying to substitute each other for our actual lovers. One night we even had sex. And I got pregnant. When I told him, he said he didn't want anything to do with the child. He only ever wanted to have kids with Lily, and he walked out the door never to be seen again. And I was left alone to raise an autistic child on my own. I had to be strong for him. I never once had a break down because I couldn't. I even got married when Tyler was 4. I refused to have children with him though. I truly did love Mark. But he would never be Louis. Tyler was the closest I would ever come to having Louis's kid. I didn't want a kid with Mark because I only ever wanted a kid with Louis. But eventually I moved on because I knew Louis would want me to. Me and Mark had twins, and we grew old together. I will never love Mark as much as Louis though.

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