Chapter 18

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Harry's winning the fight intill his father punches him in the nose. I can hear a cracking noise so loud. Harry's hand immediately goes to his nose, which is now bleeding. In that amount of time Harry's dad has him pinmed to the ground. His dad now has the knife again. He brings it up above his head. He's about to bring it down, right into his chest. When...

(Harry's pov)

All of a sudden my body is pinned to the ground. All I can think about is protecting Lily. If I die she will too, but it seems as if i'm a dead man. When all of a sudden a body jumps in front of me. Right then, and there I know who it was. I hear Lily scream in pain, as the knife goes right into her ribs. I quickly race my dad to the gun on the floor. He's about to beat me, so I slide in, and grab it before him. I pin him against the wall.

"You betrayed me in so many ways. You are dead to me," I say with a gun to his head.

He nervously laughs. "Harry you would never kill yoir father."

"You will never be my father. A father dosen't kill his daughter. Or stab his son's girlfriend. Only a low life,selfish, evil, dick does that."

"Harry you know your just like me. Like father like son. Why don't you tell Lily about Lily." That's it his words are enough to send me over the edge. I shoot him in the head. He collapses lifelessy to the dead. I drop my gun ontop of him in satisfaction.

I run over to Lily. She lays there bleeding out, her face gets paler by the minute. I pick her up, and run out the backdoor. "Hang on my love," I whisper taking her hand.

I run to the car, and take off to the hospital. I could care less if I was on the run right now. I remember telling Lily I'd rather she die than go to jail. Who was I kidding that was all one big lie. I finally pull up an the hospital.  I run through the hospital doors. I call for help, and watch as everyone crowds around Lily trying to save her life. And for the first time sense Gemma died I shed a tear over the one girl I love.

(Lily's pov)

I wake up in pain, so unbearable I can't take it. "Help," I scream. Nurses come running in. The lay me back down, ans stary checking me, and giving me more medicine. I see a look of concern cross one nurses face.

"The infection is spreading," the nurse says in panic. "We need her in surgery now." Thw nurses quickly wheel me away into surgery.

When I wake up from surgery I'm back in the same room. I ask to see Harry. My request is denied. For one reason, because...

(Harry's Pov)

I'm sitting down in the waiting room nervous as hell for what might happen to Lily. When a man in a police uniform comes over to me, and I know I've been caught. I get up to run but im surrounded.  That's it I know I'm caught. It's all over.

"Harry styles your under aresst for numerous accounts of murder." The police officer says holding out the handcuffs. As he puts the handcuffs on me I see Lilys struggling and in pain walk out. She's screaming and in tears.

"No Harry! You can't take him. Harry come back I love you! He didn't do anything. No!" I see her yelling as she collapses to the floor hysterically crying. I try to walk torwads her but I can't.

She looks up at me, and I blow her a kiss. "I love you," I tell her as a tear falls from my face. My heart actually starts to ache.




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