Chapter 16

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(Nialls pov)

I quickly run back torwads the house, and try to open the door. But it's locked. I call Louis to tell him, and he starts cursing.

"Break open a window, do anything. You just have to get all the girls out of the house, and quick. There is a bomb inside." Louis says into the phone.

My heart starts beating a million times per minute. I don't know how much time I have, but I need to get the girls out. I go to the shed and grab a hammer. I run back to the side window, and with all my strength I hammer the window. Break in the glass. I find all the girls, and tell them to wait outside. Except for Lily, the dooor is locked, and a motion bomb is tied to the door handle. If I touch it , it will explode.

(Lily's pov)

"Lily stay calm there is a bomb tied to the doorknob," Niall says from outside the door. My heart starts pounding a million times per minute. I don't know what to do. There are no windows in Harry's room so I wouldn't be able to jump.

I start pacing the room, when I hear a crack from underneath my feet. I bend down to check it out. There is a cut out piece of carpet. Oddly placed back in the spot.

I lift the carpet piece up, and there is a lock. "Niall?" I call from inside the room.

"Yeah Lily?"

"I need you to call Harry. Ask him where the key to the secret door is. Tell him it may be my only chance of getting out alive."

"Okay I will be right back," Niall says.  I can hear his footsteps as he runs down the steps.

(Harry's Pov)

Niall call and he explains everything to me. Then he tells me that Lily needs the key to the secret door.

"Niall the key is under the lamp, by my bedside. But I don't know what's down there. Tell Lily to be careful. Tell her I Love her , and i'm coming for her."

"Did you just say you love her?" Niall asks?

"Niall there is no time for this. Just do it okay?"

"Okay. " Niall says hanging up.

Me and Zayn are about 5 minutes away from the mansion. I'm scared for what Lily might find. This mansion belonged to a previous murderer. I never checked down their because, this was mt fathers house. I didn't want to know what he was doing down there.

(Lily's pov)

Niall tell me were the key is, and I go and put the key in the lock. It's dark, but I slide down a ladder anyways. The door closes down on top with a big thud. I try to push it back up, but it's locked. I'm locked down here in the darkness, and there seems to be no light.

I start to panick, when all of a sudden I fell something wet.



Sorry short chapter


also read my new fanfic Party Animal

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