Chapter 14

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The banging on the door eventually stops. I can hear the large mans footsteps as be walks down the  hallway. I sit an Harry's bed in silence. Still shaking in fear. Unsure of what to do. What if that man is still in the house. All of a sudden I see the doornob turning. Out of fear I quickly and quietly get under the bed. I try to stay as silent as possible when I hear the doorknob turn. I hear footsteps enter the room.

"Lily where the fuck are you?" Harry yells. "I swear if you tried to leave I won't hesitate to teach you a lesson this time." What happened to nice Harry. I guess all criminals can't be nice. Is he bipolar cause I think he is.

I slowly pull my self up from underneath the bed. "What the fuck are you doing down there," Harry says looking really angry. His intense stare makes me start to shake.

"Ummm th-th-ere w-wa-"

"Lily stop fucking stuttering I don't have all day. Just get to the damn point." Well what the fuck has gotten into him?

"There was someone banging on your bedroom door, and it wasn't one of the boys."

"What?" Harry says looking even more angry and scary if that was possible. "Get up," Harry commands. "Sit on the bed and don't move. I will be right back." Harry leaves the room and closes the door. He's outside the door for about 5 minutes then he comes back.

"Niall is coming to stay with you. I will be right back."

"Harry were are you going?"

"Don't worry about it." He says and walks away.

(Harry's Pov)

I go to Zayns room and call all the boys together in the living room.

"Which one of you dumb fucks forgot to lock the door," I angrily spit out.

"Oh fuck," Niall says loud enough for me to hear. "Okay then it's settled Niall you get to go upstairs and watch the girls," I say smirking.

"What that's not fair," Niall says. "I always get that job. You guys never let me go killing with you anymore. How come?"

"Because last time you shot me in the foot, Liam says."

"How many times do I have to say it was an accident. It was dark and I couldn't see anything." Liam and Niall start getting in an argument about it.

"Shut Up!" I yell. "What is done is done,  now suck it up Niall."

"Fine, " he says crossing his arms.

"Anyways so the reason why we are here is, Don is back. And sense Niall forgot to lock the door today. Don was in our house. As we all know in order to take down Don we must have a plan. This won't be an easy kill, but it's time Don went down. We have 8 days to prepare for the kill. I need all five of you if we want to succeed. Niall that includes you."

"Yes," Niall says pumping his fists in the air.

"Niall you still have to watch the girls today. Anyways Louis and Liam will go pick up the cars, today. Me and Zayn will go pick up the weapons."

Me and Zayn get in the car and head to a abandoned wearhouse, to pick up the weapons. About 30 minutes into the drive we hear a pop. I stop the car.

"What was that?"

"I think the tire popped. Let me check." Zayn says getting out of the car.

Zayn opens the door looking angry. "Somebody slashed all the damn tires."


"Harry were in the middle of nowhere. Its 30 more minutes to the wearhouse."

"Well to bad we are walking. Not getting those weapons is not an option."

"Seriously?" Zayn says questioning me.

"You know Don is the one who slashed the wheels. He wants to get to the weapons before us."

"Start running," Zayn says taking off in a sprint. I follow next to him keeping the same pace.

After running for 45 minutes straight we stop to catch our breath. "How much longer?" Zayn questions.

"15," I breathilly say. "Keep running."

We take off in another sprint. Finally we reach the entrance of the wearhouse. We open the door of the run down wearhouse. We go to the old and

non-functioning truck, were the weapons are stored. We open the back of the truck. 1gun and a sticky note lay in the back of the truck.

'I hope there was nothing valuable in your bedroom -Don'

"Zayn start running like your Usain Bolt, and don't stop. Not even just once."


(Louis pov)

Me and Liam drive to the storage pods, about one hour away. Right as we pull into the parking something pops. "Go  check that Liam."

"There was a nail on the ground, I guess. Three of the tires popped."

"Good thing we have three more cars here," I say. Liam nods.

All of a sudden Liams phone starts to ring. I hear him say we will be there soon.

"Who was that?" I question.

"Harry, him and Zayn need a ride."

I open the garage door, and see all three cars. All of the tires slashed. I turn to Liam and shake my head. "Nobodys getting a ride."

A piece of paper from the back of the car floats into my hand.

'I hope you weren't planning on giving anyone a ride -Don'

"Liam run and run fast."

(Nialls pov)

I still don't understand why I have to watch the girls. All of a sudden my phone starts to ring. I pick it up. It's Louis.

"Niall I need you to send two of the girls out to pick up me and Liam, and Zayn and Harry," Louis says in a rush out of breath.

"Wait why not me?" I ask in confusion.

"Because we need you to guard the house. Just do it Niall and quick this is serious. "

"Okay, " I say.

I quickly run outside to the cars. I open the door of one of them to put the adress in on the GPS. But there is a paper on the GPS.

'Way to leave the house unguarded  -Don'

I look down at the tires, and all the of then have been slashed.

(Lilys pov)

I suddenly hear heavy steps walking up the steps.  My heart drops. The person sets something down outside the door. Then walks away. I suddenly hear a beeping noise from outside the door. It doesn't stop ethier. I lie flat on my stomach to see if I can see whats under the door. All I see is a box, and a piece of paper. The paper is half way in Harry's room. I slide the paper under and read it.

' Beep Beep 123 Boom your dead- Don'

My stomach drops. Who is Don, and what could this note mean? Then I relize what it means. I look under the door again,  and i'm faced with a number.



Long chapter I hope you guys enjoy and read sorry for any errors

:-) ★☆★☆★☆★☆


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