Chapter 40

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(Eleanor's pov)

I stop rocking back and forth I stop crying, and I just wait. Harry, Liam, and Zayn are probably strapped down somewhere along with Perrie. Who knows what happened to everyone else. A nurse walks up to me "Were you here with some one named Onna Luxenburg."

"Yes," I nod swallowing hard.

I think you should sit down. I sit down preparing for the worst. "She had terrible trama to the head. I'm sorry," the nurse says sympathetically."Onna didn't make it. She's dead." My whole world stops. Tears start to fall from my face, and I feel as if I can no longer even sit. In then the nurse says something that makes this whole thing 10 times worse. "She was 5 months pregnant." And as if on que Harry, Liam, and Zayn are escorted over to me by different nurses.

All I can do is scream for Lily. As I continue to yell for lily fear spreads over Harry's face as he breaks away from his nurse. Regret,and remorse spreads over Liam's face, as Zayn runs over to me, he wraps me in his embrace. He doesn't even try to comfort me. We all know at the moment nothing can fix what has happens.

(Harry's pov)

After doing test on us the doctors decide that we are not crazy. They release the three of us to go home. We enter the lobby, and Eleanor sits in a chair crying for Lily as a nurse try's to talk to her. Immediately the pit of my stomach drops.

"Eleanor what happens?" I yell as Zayn holds her in his arms.

"Lily's gone," she says between sniffles. "And she was pregnant with your baby," she whispers the last part.

"She was what?" I say as tears fall down my face. I collapse to the ground in sorrow.

"This is all your fault!" I scream at Liam. You are the one who killed Lily. You sick bastard."

Eleanor weakly gets out of Zayns hold, and walks over to me. She wraps her arms around me, and I let her because I need someone right now. I have no one left, Lily was the last person. Zayn looks up at Liam I betrayal, and the. He pulls out his phone. We watch with pleasure what he does next.

"Hello, I would like to report a murder. The murder of Onna Luxenburg. Yes thank you."

"How could you?" Liam yells at Zayn. "I told you it was a mistake. I didn't mean to kill her," he yells.

Eleanor looks up at Liam in disgust. I can her the sound of the police cars coming for Liam. The police come in and immediately arrest him. "Come on let's go guys," Zayn says. Eleanor carefully stands up and holds her hand for out to me. I take it and stand up. A nurse leads us to Lily's room, I go in alone and the others wait outside.

I look down at her bruised, almost in recognizable face. " I keep wishing you would open your eyes and let me see your beautiful smile," I say through tears. "But I know that won't happen because of me. If I had never dragged you into this life, you won't be here Lily. I'm so sorry I took away your innocence. I loved you with all my heart, more than I thought you could ever love some one. And I'm sorry I couldn't save you. I wish I would of just let you go before. It would have been less painful than losing you like this. Anything would have been less painfully. I love you Lily, I always will, and I'm sorry," I say leaving a kiss on her forehead. Before I walk out I run my fingers across her stomach, I kiss her stomach, and walk out crying.

Zayn and Eleanor go in next, and I just slide down the wall, and cry. Everything around me just becomes a big blur.


Guys Lily is dead and she's not coming back aww...

I'm gonna try and update soon maybe even again today.


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