Chapter 26

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I dry my hair, and throw on sweats, and a t-shirt. I walk back into mine and Harrys room he's fast asleep again. I find my phone I got before we came here, and text the girls to meet me out front. I walk out the door despite Harry's warning. I grab my pack of cigarettes and leave. It's a little chilly so I grab my jacket from pink and put it on. I sit on the steps with Perrie,  and Eleanor. I light my cigarette and slide it into my mouth. Slowly inhaling and exhaling the nicotine.

"Harry fucking caught me," I tell them. Explaining the whole situation, and I told them about Harry's warning.

"Your really gonna get in trouble by Harry," Perrie says.

I sigh "I know. But oh well."

We talk a little more before going inside. I throw my cigarette on the porch, and go inside. The clock on the stove says 6:15. Perrie and Eleanor go upstairs but I decide i'm hungry. I grab a banana and quickly eat it. I walk upstairs and I'm about to go into my room when I hear Harry's alarm clock.


(Harry's pov)

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. I open my eyes and relize Lily is gone again. She's really starting to piss me off. She thinks she can do whatever she wants, well i'm gonna put her in her damn place.

"LILY, " I yell really loudly. I can here her heavily breathing from outside the door.  I open up the door, and see her standing there. She smells like a cigarette. She's been outside smoking.

"What the fuck. I told you not to leave and you did." I slap her across the face hard leaving a red mark. I wait to see her cry, I wait to feel the guilt that will cime with it. But instead of guilt I feel anger.  And instead of tears I see her hand. As she slaps me across the cheeck.

How dare she?

"Your gonna regret that."

"Oh am I?" She says laughing.

"LILY SHUT THE FUCK UP I HAVE THE POWER," I say anger raging through my veins. I push her aginst the wall and grab her wrist tightly. I wait for her to say Harry your hurting me anything. But what she says and does next stuns me.

Her wrists go from tense to relaxed. Her whole body relaxes,  and she dosen't look sad, hurt, or vulnerable. She looks angry. A sinister smile crosses her face. As calmly as possible she says, " Harry just except the fact that you no longer have any power over me. I'm not the Lily I was 5 1/2 months ago when you first kidnapped me."

I let go of her wrist and take a step back. She takes her cigarette pack out of her pocket. She lights one and slides it in her mouth, and brings it back out. "I'm Onna Marie Luxenburg." She turns around and walks out.

I just stand their, I'm not angry, not even mad. I'm stunned. I've finally realized she's right. She seriously is part of the gang now, and I can no longer control her. I leave the room in search of her.

(Lily's pov)

I walk to the car, and drive away. I just drive around for about an hour. I finally pull up in the driveway, and walk in side. Harry's waiting on the couch for me. I'm waiting for him to yell. But he doesn't.

"We need to talk," he calmly says.

I nod. I sit down across from him."I'm really sorry about touching you like that, and grabbing you. I was just stunned, and confused but I realized that your right. I no longer have control or power over you. Your part of the gang now, and you've changed. To be honest at first I didn't like it. Now I do though. I can trust you now. I don't have to worry about you running off. We can just be a normal couple now. I'm sorry for everything."

Finall he comes to his senses. "Finally you've come to your seneses," I say smiling.

"Are we good?"

"Yeah," I walk over to him and give him a hug. "I love you Harry?"

"I love you too," he says kissing me.

"Well I think us boys and you girls all need to talk."


So Harry calls all the boys down, and I get Perrie and Eleanor. "So its official the girls are now part of the gang. We have to relize we no longer are able to control them. Their strong and powerful now.  So from here on out all business is between the 8 of us, and we have no secrets to keep," Harry says smiling.

Everyone agrees even the boys.

"So does anyone have anything they want to get off their chest?" The girls and I exchange quick glances.

"Umm.. Perrie, Eleanor, and I have been training with David. That's where I was this morning."

"Umm... Okay," Harry says taking a deep breath. "Would its be okay if we went with you next time we go?"

Wow he's actually asking. He must be serious about this whole thing.


"David can't be trusted, he broke into our house once, and we still don't know why," Says Zayn.

"If you girls want to be trained we can do it."

The girls and I look at eachother. "Okay."


Guys I'm really like obsessed with girl power right now and girls being dominate too because it's always were the guys have all the power and that's not fair.


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