Chapter 38

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(Liams pov)

Me and Niall pull up at an old factory, no longer in use. We walk in when we are met by Louis's father. "Hello boys," he says laughing.

"What?" Niall whispers under his breath.

"You are smart boys so you will under stand when I say all of your fathers were part of 'The Prey'."

All of a sudden my insides shatter, and i'm frozen. I cant hear anything over the glass breaking inside of me. Untill a gunshot pulls me back to life. "How could you?" I say narrowing my eyes at him.

I shoot him in th leg and watch him fall to the ground. I walk up to him, and take off his shirt. I tie the sleeves around his neck. I countiue to pull, and pull intill his face turns blue. I untie the shirt stuff it down his neck, and shoot him.

I pick up Niall and speed to the hospital. What happens next is something no one could of expected.

(Lilys pov)

We all stop and look at eachother as we all stand in the lobby of the hospital. We are calm for a second. We all know that the war between our enemies is over. But we all know the war within our selves has just begun.

A nurse takes Perrie away. While doctors rush Niall off, and more doctors rush Louis off. We can all hear Perrie screaming as the doctors take her away. The remaining five of us all sit down. I go over and sit by Harry.

"Why are you covered in mud?"

"Because I ran here. You guys took all the cars, and Eleanor called me. I had to make sure you were okay," Harry says smiling.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"No I say falling into his arms crying." All of a sudden I snap. I stand up and take a chair. I chuck it all the way across the room. "I'm not okay," I yell. At this point I don't car that the chair hit a now raging Liam in the face. As blood is running from his nose.

"What the fuck?" Liam yells running over to me.  He's about to fight me, and i'm ready to fight back. When Zayn restrains him. As Harry trys to do to me.

"Come on dude you wouldn't fight a girl. Ecspically one of your mates," Zayn says trying to reason with Liam.

"Really because I will," Liam says getting worked up.

Eleanor falls to the ground unable to take it any more. People walk in threatning to call 911. At this point none of us are stable. And none of us are able to stop the other from doing something stupid. So I finally break out of Harry's hold. He falls to the ground in defeat. Liam breaks out of Zayns hold and he walks up and punches me in the face.

"You wanna go?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

"outside now," he growls.

Me and Liam speed walk out of the hospital to a run down area behind the hospital. I push him far back into the garbage can he falls back, and hits his head. He quickly recovers, and decks me right in the mouth. I quickly pounce on top of him,and punch him in the eye, but he throws me off of him hard and my head hits the concrete hard. And the next thing I see is all black.


They Have all gone Cray Cray


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