He Can't See Me Like This

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It was a understatement to say that Jay was upset. He was in distress.

Earlier that day, Jay had somehow got in contact with the venom form a Fangpyre during a fight. It was just after their encounter with a team of villains that Nya and Jay had gathered up.

"Hey, how's the...y'know what?" Nya asked, flipping her hood off her head. Jay shook his head quietly. Nya crept closer and looked at the little space around his eyes. His skin was forming a pale hue of green along with small scales starting to grow.

"You don't look too good."

Jay shook his head again. "It doessssn't feel good either."

Nya held back a laugh. Hearing Jay with that type of voice was pretty silly to her, but now wasn't the time for laughter. Nya grabbed the lightning ninja's hood and pulled it all the way back, Jay showing his unhappiness through his expression.

Jay did indeed look horrible. The rest of his skin was scaly and pale green, but it was no surprise to Nya. She then twirled her hand around in a few circles.

"Turnnn aaaaround."

"...I don't wannaa."


Jay looked at the ground for a few minutes like he was searching for something that wasn't truly there. He then reluctantly turned around to show his new extremity. A tail. His tail flapped a bit when he revealed it, the color of it the same as his skin but just a bit darker.

"Weird..." Nya pondered, looking Jay over with darting eyes. Jay didn't like all the attention on him, so he turned back around and flipped his hood back on.

"Can you not call me weird?! Please?!" Jay whined, his hands trembling. Nya snickered and patted his back.

"Alright, alright." Nya replied before pulling her gi's sleeve down, tapping at her communicator.

"Jay's gotten worse. What should we do now?" She pronounced into her small device. It took a minute to receive a message in response.

"Gotta bring him to the bounty then. We finished our last wave of baddies and we're gonna head out for the antidote." Lloyd's voice blared from the transmitter. Nya nodded and looked up at Jay with a warming smile. Though, she could see from his eyes that he was beginning to get worried. "Got it, see y'all later."

She turned off her communicator and wrapped her arm around Jay's back for comfort.


The lightning ninja nearly had threw himself into a full panic attack. He remembered that Cole hadn't joined them on their mission, and was out for the day doing something that nobody in the team was allowed to know about except Wu. Therefore, he didn't know that Jay was about to turn into a full-out snake person. Jay was in the bedroom, sitting on his bunk with blankets covering him head to toe. The only thing he kept visible was his eyes, similar to when he wore his ninja mask. He was shaking in a sort of fear that he couldn't exactly put a finger on. Or at least, that's what he told himself. He shoved his face deep into the blankets, giving out a long groan.

The only thing he could think of was how Cole was going to react.

Jay felt like he just jinxed himself, hearing the footsteps of a new passenger on the boat. He knew very well who it was. Jay held his breath, hearing each footstep as it came by. He knew he had to move quickly so Cole wouldn't see him. Jay shuffled around so he hid entirely under the blankets and tried his best to flatten himself out on his mattress. Little did he know, he left something uncovered.

Cole had opened the door to the shared bedroom while humming a soft tune. He walked in without a second thought, placing something down on a bunk directly across the room from Jay's. He loudened his humming as he headed back to the door. Before he could leave however, he noticed something weird. Something out of place. And it was on his boyfriend's bed.

Cole took a quick glance, expecting it only to be a toy bug for a prank or some weird leftover food that somebody may have left behind but he saw what he never really expected.

A small, wiggling tail. Ceasing his tune, he slowly walked over to Jay's bunk, trying to make his steps as light as a feather.

"What the...?"

Jay nearly had a heart attack right then and there. Cole pinched at Jay's new tail, earning a screech out of the sensitive ninja. Jay burst from beneath the covers and rammed his back into the wall by mistake.

"Ohh! Jay! Are you ok?!" Cole shouted, helping the uncovered Jay sit up. Cole slowly noticed the change in Jay, scales glistening all over his arms and face. His tail was twitching violently, Cole assumed that this meant that Jay was riled up.

"Oh gosssh..." Jay hissed, sweat dripping down the side of his head. Cole looked up and down his boyfriend, taking Jay's hand and squeezing it a little bit too roughly, causing Jay to whimper a bit.

"Jay?! What happened to you? Why were you...hiding?"

Jay whimpered a second time, gripping onto Cole's hand now with tears beginning to roll down his pink tinted cheeks.

"I'm...I'm ssso sssssorry Cole! I didn't want you to sssssee me like this..." Jay sniffled, his shoulders going up and down as he cried. Cole took his other hand that wasn't holding Jay's and started to rub very small circles on the boy's back.

"Why didn't you want me to see you?" He asked, immediately feeling dumb for asking that because he most likely knew the answer. 

"...All of thiss! I didn't want you to ss-sseee it," He wept. "I'm a monster...just some scaly slithery monster!" He went on.

"How could you love a monster like me-e..."

A feeling of pity crept around Cole's heart, pinching at it. He couldn't believe that Jay would even think of such a thing. Cole kept rubbing Jay's back, hushing him to help him calm down.

"Jay, Jay...listen to me hun..." He cooed, slowly releasing his hand from Jay's shaky one and using it to cup at Jay's cheek. "Don't say that...ok? Snake or not...I love you."

Jay cried even heavier at this, nearly head butting Cole in the chest. He tightly hugged his black haired boy, tears beginning to stain his boyfriend's shirt.

"I...I love you too..."


It took a while for the poor teen to calm down. He stayed latched onto Cole as if it would mean certain death to let go. Cole didn't mind though. They just sat there until Jay was ready.

Jay sighed and gave out a few more sniffles. He sat up in front of Cole and gave him a small smile.

"Thank you...for that. A good cry always helps." Jay muttered, wiping his puffy eyes of any wetness that still lingered around his eyes. Cole understood and pat his back again.

"Anytime Jaybear."

Jay giggled at him and rubbed Cole's chest. "I need to come up with more nicknames for you..."

Cole rolled his eyes at this. Then he remembered something.

"Oh! You remember that thing that I had to do that literally nobody could know about? The thing I missed today for?"

Jay looked at Cole in the eyes and nodded. He was wondering where he was going with this.

"Good because right now seems like the time to tell you about it."

Saying this, he got up from his seat on the mattress and bounded over to what he put down earlier when he entered the room. Cole picked up a white cardboard box, the size of most of his chest, and walked back over to Jay.

"This was going to be a surprise for our 10 month anniversary but...I think you should have it now." Cole said, dropping the box into Jay's lap. Jay quickly went at it, scraping the small scraps of tape that held the top down. He flicked the box top off once all the tape was off. Inside was a dozen of small sized cupcakes with vanilla frosting and rainbow colored sprinkles dotting the swirled frosting.

"Wow...jussst for me?!" Jay squealed, happily licking his lips with his forked tongue. Cole chuckled deeply. "Just for you."

Jay dug in as quick as he could, his sharp fangs digging into cupcakes, mercilessly tearing through each one.

Cole had just made him the happiest snake dude in the world.

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