late night patrol (Quick)

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The freckled boy was a bit nervous. He was laying on his bed, jumping app to app out of boredom. It was a poor attempt at keeping his worries at bay. As Jay fiddled about, the echo of the school physiologist boomed through his head.

'If you find yourself in a situation where your anxiety is bothering you, try to take those deep breaths I showed you.'

The deep breathing technique. The man had taught him how to preform it a few weeks ago and he never got into bad enough anxiety to actually try it. Jay shrugged, putting his phone on sleep and setting it aside. He slammed his hands into his lap and raised his head. Closing his eyes, he breathed in slowly, trying to be as careful as could be so he was just focusing on his chest. Once he felt like he had enough in his chest, he held it. He held it for a while, just about ten seconds before feeling like he was about to explode. Jay let the breath slip out through a opened mouth. A cough crept up in the back of his throat which he easily kept down.

Jay jumped when the door slammed open.


"Guess again."

Jay let out a sigh of relief. That gravely voice belonged to Cole, he was sure of it. Jay swaddled out of the blankets and shuffled to the edge of the bed, his legs hanging of the side of the mattress. It was pretty dark in his room but it wasn't that hard to make out Cole coming up to his bed. Even with the darkness, he could see the bags under the poor teen's eyes.

"How was patrol?" Jay said softly as Cole sat himself down next to his boyfriend. Cole groaned and rolled his strained eyes at the mention of patrol.

"Boring. I was about to die out there from sheer bored-ness..." Cole sighed, letting his mop of hair drape onto Jay's shoulder. Jay brought his arm around Cole's large body and held him closer to his side.

"You look tired."

"I am..."

Jay giggled and kissed Cole's head. "Then you should get some sleep, silly."

Cole sputtered out something in response but it all came out as garbled garbage. Jay laughed again, stroking his hair. "I can't understand you!"

The sleepy teen growled and his torso thrashed until it was comfortably placed on Jay's lap. Cole nuzzled his head into Jay's hip and breathed in. Jay was honestly surprised by Cole's actions since he never got this cuddly without prompts. Though, the surprise faded pretty quickly as the sounds of Cole's bearlike snores rang in his ears. Jay put a hand over his mouth to stifle his laughter, careful not to wake up his now asleep boyfriend.

"Looks like I'm sleeping with you tonight..." Whispered Jay to himself, his hand coming off his mouth and running through Cole's hair again.

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