Chapter 1 "Meant To Be"

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Sitting in the waiting room at Chicago Med, Sam is talking to Hank on the phone.
"Dad. Dad. DAD! Calm down! The baby's Kellys!" Sam tells him.
"How do you know this?" Hank asks her, "If it's not Austins or Hicks, maybe Sebastian raped her!"
Sam starts laughing, "I know because sisters talk! As for Sebastian, it's not his either."
"And how do you know it's not Sebastian's?" Hank asks.
"Shaylynn told me she saw him kissing a few guys and leaving the room when they were holding her hostage. Pretty sure Sebastian didn't like women" Sam tells him.
"You're sure the baby's Kellys?" Hank asks Sam wanting a little more reassurance.
Sam shakes her head, "Yes, Dad! While Shaylynn was in the hospital after she was found, she had Connor run a pregnancy test, it came back negative. Only Connor and I knew about the test. Then after Kelly and Shaylynn's ceremony they went home and had sex. If the baby was any of those guys, Shaylynn would be further along than what she is" Sam tells him.
"Alright! I have to be going! Have some things to take care of!" Hank tells her hanging up.
Sam rolls her eyes as she puts her phone into her pocket.

Severide has made his way back to Shaylynn's room. Walking in, he finds her asleep with a nurse hanging a bag on the IV tree.
As the nurse walks out, Dr. Rhodes walks in, "I thought I saw you walk in" he says to Severide, "I'd like to keep her 24 hours to make sure she gets enough antibiotics into her system because of the nail. I've already given her a tetanus shot, but I'm concerned about any other bacteria she might have gotten off the nail from all the dust" Dr. Rhodes looks at Severide concerned, "Kelly, you're more then welcome to use the bathroom to shower. I know you're not going to leave her."
"Thanks' Severide says, "I'll ask Sam if she'll go and get me some clothes from home."
Dr. Rhodes starts walking out of the room, "Connor" Severide says.
He turns around and looks at Severide, "Does Shaylynn know about the pregnancy?" Severide asks.
"No" Dr. Rhodes tells him, "I figured you would like to be the one to tell her."
Dr. Rhodes turns and walks out of the room. A few minutes later, Severide walks out to the waiting room and up to Sam.
"Sam, can you get me a change of clothes from home? Connor said I could take a shower here, so I don't have to leave Shaylynn" Severide says.
Sam smiles at Severide, "Sure! Is there anything special you want?"
"No. Just grab anything" Severide tells her.
"I'll take you" Dylan tells Sam.
"Thanks!" Sam says to Dylan.
Both of them start walking to the elevator. As soon as they reach it, the door opens.
Severide walks back to Shaylynn's room to sit and wait on Sam to return.
Within an hour, Sam returns with clothes for him.
"Where's Dylan?" Severide asks her after she walks into Shaylynns room.
"After getting your clothes, he took me so I could get my car back at the scene. He decided to stay and help" she tells him hanging him a bag, "I'm heading back there now!"
Severide nods to her, "Stay safe! Shaylynn would go on a major rage if anything happens to you! And thanks for the clothes!"
Sam smiles at him and walks out of the room.
Severide walks to the bathroom and closes the door behind him. He takes everything out of the bag so it's ready for when he's done taking a shower.

Shaylynn opens her eyes.
She starts looking around and notices she's in the hospital, again. Hearing water running in the bathroom, there's only one person who would be taking a shower in her bathroom.
Shaylynn patiently waits for Severide to walk out into her room.
What seems like forever to her, Severide finally walks out. He sees her looking at him and smiles.
Walking over to her bed, he drops the bag into a corner, "I wish you would take better care of yourself!" he tells her.
Shaylynn gives him a strange look, "What do you mean? Why am I in the hospital?"
"You stepped on a nail! A pretty big one because it went through your boot and pierced your heel" Severide tells her, "I also have some news for you" he tells her sitting down beside her on the bed.
"Good or bad news?" she asks him.
Severide grabs her hand and smiles, "Good news! You're pregnant!" he tells her.
Shaylynn gets a shocked look on her face, "Are you sure?" she asks.
Severide looks at her confused, "Yes! Is there something you're not telling me?" he asks her.
"Marshall and I tried to have a baby, but it never happened. All the doctors we went to said it was me. That I would have a very hard time getting pregnant or I wouldn't get pregnant at all. After being held hostage by Austin for so long, while I was in here I had Connor run a pregnancy test, it came back negative" she tells him.
Severide smiles at her, "The Intelligence Unit caught Austin. He told Hank he's sterile!"
There's a knock at the door, the door opens and Dr. Rhodes walks in, "How you doing?" he asks Shaylynn.
"I'm doing good! Connor, is it true, am I really pregnant?" she asks him.
Dr. Rhodes smiles, "Yes! You're pregnant!"
Shaylynn smiles, sits up, and hugs Severide, "I thought it would never happen!" she says with tears streaming down her face.
"I'll leave you two alone" Dr. Rhodes says, then walks out the door.
"Do you think it's too soon?" Severide asks her.
Shaylynn quickly let's go of Severide, sits back and looks at him, "Do you think it's too soon?" she asks him concerned.
He gets a shocked look on his face, "What? No! I don't think it's too soon! I just wanted to make sure you didn't think it was too soon for you."
Shaylynn smiles at him, "Oh, no! It's not too soon for me! Thinking that getting pregnant would never happen for me I never worried about taking birth control. Who would have thought the first time we have sex without a condom it would happen."
He smiles at her, "It was meant to be!"

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