Chapter 6 "Quickly"

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Severide opens his eyes, he sees that he's staring at a ceiling.
Looking over to a side he sees he's in Med and there's a blonde sitting in the chair across the room.
She doesn't have a baby bump, so it can't be Shaylynn.
He blinks his eyes a couple of times to try and get them to focus better.
"Shay?" Severide says questioning his sanity.
"Hey, I wondered when you would finally open your eyes" Shay says to him as she walks over to his bedside.
Severide looks at Shay terrified, "Am I dead?" he asks her.
"You're in a coma. You've been in a coma for three months. That explosion did a number on your head. You know the saying "Don't run faster than your Guardian Angel, yeah well, I couldn't keep up and you hit your head on the asphalt" Shay tells him.
"Shaylynn!" he says to Shay.
"She's fine! She's been in the hospital the whole time with you. That way she could stay close and be monitored" Shay tells him, "I really like her, Kelly!" Shay says with a smile on her face.
"This has to be a dream!" Severide says.
"Nope, it's not a dream!" Shay tells him shaking her head, " When a person is in a coma, it's easier for us who have passed on to talk to you. Which brings me to why I'm here, Kelly you have to really wake up! Shaylynn is worried sick about you! She's been doing everything to try and get you to wake up! After playing the babies heartbeats for you and you still didn't wake up, she started talking to me asking for my help. Kelly, she's going to be going into labor and she's going to need you there!" Shay tells Severide.
"When will she be going into labor?" Severide asks.
"It doesn't matter! You have to wake up!" Shay tells Severide getting upset with him.
"Did you send Shaylynn and her guys to save us from the factory fire?" he asks her.
"Yes! Now wake up, Kelly!" Shay tells him, "KELLY, WAKE UP!" Shay shouts at him.

Severide's eyes open.
His breathing has picked up and his heartbeat is beating faster sounding the alarm on the machine.
Shaylynn looks over at him and sees his eyes are open. She gets up out of the chair as quick as she can.
"Kelly! Are you really awake?" she asks him grabbing his hand, "If this isn't a reflex, PLEASE squeeze my hand!" she demands.
Severide squeezes her hand.
A few nurses and Dr. Rhodes come running into Severide's room.
"Shaylynn, you'll have to step to the side so we can check on him" Dr. Rhodes tells her.
Shaylynn steps to the side and walks to the foot of Severide's bed to watch.
"Kelly, can you hear me?" Dr. Rhodes asks him.
Severide shakes his head 'yes'.
"Are you able to talk?" Dr. Rhodes asks.
"Yes" Severide says in a husky tone since his throat is dry.
A nurse grabs a pitcher of water, puts some in a cup, along with a straw, so Severide can take a drink.
Dr. Rhodes smiles, "That's great! You had us all scared that you weren't going to wake up!" he says to Severide, then looks at Shaylynn who's grabbing her stomach.
"Shaylynn, what's wrong?" Dr. Rhodes asks.
Shaylynn looks up at him with a frightened look, "My water broke!"
One of the nurses runs out of the room to get Shaylynn a wheelchair. Within seconds, she's back in the room. The other nurses walk over and help Shaylynn sit down.
The nurse who brought the wheelchair in, quickly takes Shaylynn out of the room.
"What's going to happen to her?" Severide asks Dr. Rhodes.
"The doctor will have to deliver the babies by c-section" Dr. Rhodes tells him.
"Connor, I have to be there! You have to help me!" Severide pleads with him.
"Kelly, I don't know! You just woke up out of a coma. You've been lying there for three months!" Dr. Rhodes tells him.
"Connor, please!" Severide begs him.
"Alright! But you'll have to be in a wheelchair! I'll get you some scrubs!" Dr. Rhodes tells Severide against his better judgement.
Dr. Rhodes walks out of the room to require the wheelchair and scrubs.
Minutes later, Dr. Rhodes is walking back in.
"I'll have to help you get these on" Dr. Rhodes tells Severide, "Are you going to have a problem with that?"
Severide shakes his head 'no'.
Dr. Rhodes removes Severide's IVs, then looks at him with an odd look, "You have a catheter. I'm going to take it out. I wouldn't watch!" Dr. Rhodes tells Severide.
Severide nods and turns his head away.
With everything Severide has experienced in his life the two worst things he's been through is having bone marrow drilled out of him and a catheter taken out.
After washing his hands, Dr. Rhodes helps Severide get the scrub pants on, then helps him sit up so he can put the scrub top on.
Bending down, Dr. Rhodes puts socks on Severide. Severide looks down with a questioning look.
"They won't let you in the OR if you don't have anything on your feet" Dr. Rhodes says, "Are you ready?" he asks Severide as he stands up.
"Yes!" Severide says.
Dr. Rhodes puts his arms under Severide's arms to lift him up. He pulls Severide up a little, but Severide sits back down on the bed.
"I need to be hitting the gym more!" Dr. Rhodes says, "Where's Atwater when I need him!"
Severide looks at Dr. Rhodes, "I'm not that big!"
"I didn't mean it in a bad way! With all the muscle on you and I haven't hit the gym in quite some time, well" Dr. Rhodes says.
"How about I try and get myself into the wheelchair" Severide tells Dr. Rhodes.
"Alright, just take it easy and slow!" Dr. Rhodes tells him.
Severide picks himself up, stumbles a little with Dr. Rhodes stablizing him, but is able to sit down in the wheelchair.
Dr. Rhodes puts the footplates down, "Are you ready?" he asks Severide.
"Yes! Let's go!" Severide tells him.
Making their way of Severide's room, they head to the elevator.
Finally after about five minutes, they reach the Maternity Wing.
Dr. Rhodes rolls Severide back to the ORs. He stops and grabs a cap along with a face mask for Severide and himself.
After putting them on, Dr. Rhodes pushes Severide into the OR. Once inside, he pushes him so he's right beside Shaylynn's head. Dr. Rhodes moves and stands over by the Anesthesiologist.
"Looks like you have a visitor" the Anesthesiologist tells Shaylynn.
She turns her head and sees Severide sitting beside her.
"Kelly" she says softly.
Severide reaches out and touches her hand that's strapped down, "I'm here, Babe!"
"We're getting ready to take the first baby out. Do you two have names picked out?" the doctor asks hearing that Shaylynn's husband is now in the OR.
"Yes!" Severide says excited.
"Here's the first one. It's a boy!" the doctor tells them, "What's his name?" the doctor asks as he hands the baby over to a nurse.
"Kelly Jr." the doctor hears Shaylynn say.
A few minutes later, the doctor takes out baby number two.
"It's a girl!" the doctor says, handing her over to another nurse, "And what's her name?"
"Saraya Shay" Severide says.
The doctor starts working on getting baby number three out when the alarms on the machines go off.
"What's going on?" the doctor asks the Anesthesiologist.
"She's going into cardiac arrest!" the Anesthesiologist tells the doctor.
"Quickly! We have to get the last baby out so we can save her!" the doctor yells at the other doctor and OR nurses.
"Shaylynn, baby! Stay with me!" Severide says into her ear while holding her hand.
Severide looks up at the heart monitor to see it go flat line.
"Shaylynn! Baby, NO!" Severide says as he starts to breakdown and cry.


With what I have went through today with a troll on Wattpad, to work out my stress I was able to type this out.

Thank you ChloeOgradyXo for being there for me during this troll incident!

The next chapter probably won't be up until next week.  My son is coming home from Vet Tech school this weekend.  And over the next couple of days I have things to do before he comes home, so I won't have a lot of time to write.

I hope I left it on a good cliffhanger. 

From Fire Comes Life (Born Of Fire) Ruling Chicago #2 (Chicago Fire)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang