Chapter 30 "Duty Calls"

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The next day, everyone at 51 wakes up to find that it snowed overnight and around a foot of snow is on the ground.
Everyone is getting their things together so they can head for home.
Severide is about ready to head out of the locker room when his phone rings...
"Kelly, have you left the Firehouse yet?" Shaylynn asks him.
"No, but I'm just about to. Why?" he asks.
"Are you still planning on stopping by?" she asks.
"Yes" he tells her.
"Okay, can you bring some of your turnout gear with you?" Shaylynn asks.
"I guess I can" Severide says with a curious look on his face.
"Great! Can you be here early? I have an appointment at 11:00" she asks him.
Severide can hear Shannara crying in the background, "I have to go!" Shaylynn says hanging up.
He puts his phone back into his pocket and shakes his head wondering what that was all about.
Walking out and to the Turnout room, Severide goes through his turnout gear picking out ones that are in the best shape.
"What are you doing? Shift is over!" Capp says as he walks in and sees Severide going through turnout gear.
"Shaylynn called and asked if I could bring some turnout gear with me" Severide tells him.
Capp gets a big smile on his face, "Role playing!"
"Come on, Capp! We're not together that much to be role playing quite yet!" Severide says looking at his watch, "I better get going!"
Making sure he has everything, Severide rushes out to his car.

Walking up to the front door, Severide knocks. How strange it is to knock on a door to a house he use to live in.
Shaylynn answers the door, "Did you bring the turnout gear?" she asks.
"Yes, it's in the car" he tells her.
"Great!" Shaylynn says grabbing a big bag and sitting it by the door, "Do you mind if we use your car? I need to find something else so Shannara can ride in it" Shaylynn asks.
"Sure, but where are we going?" Severide asks as Shaylynn hands him Shannara in her carseat.
"You'll see!" she tells him as she grabs the bag, shuts the door, and locks it.
Over the days Severide has off, he watches Shannara while Shaylynn goes to work.

Returning home late at night, Shaylynn quietly enters the house.
She sets her bag down on the table beside the door.
Walking into the living room, she sees Severide asleep on the couch with Shannara in her bassinet.
Not wanting to wake him up, she covers him up with a blanket. She leaves Shannara where she is so not to wake her, then heads upstairs to bed.
In the morning, Severide wakes up to Shannara making noise.
He gets up, picks her up, gathers up supplies for a diaper change, and changes her diaper.
Picking her back up, he carries her into the kitchen where he finds Shaylynn fixing breakfast.
"Morning!" Severide says to her.
"Morning!" Shaylynn says smiling at him, "Looks like you had a blast last night!" she says with a little snicker looking at Severide's hair.
"Yeah, Shannara is a real party animal!" Severide says looking down at her.
Shaylynn starts laughing, "Put her in her bouncy seat so you can eat!"
He puts Shannara down and starts to eat when he sees Shaylynn has a bottle sitting out.
Picking it up, he holds it with his left hand so Shannara can eat, while he uses his right hand to feed himself.
Shaylynn turns around to see what Severide is doing, "Kelly!" she says to him.
"What? Killing two birds with one stone!" he says.
Shaylynn shakes her head at him, she sits down and starts eating.
After she and Severide are done, she cleans everything up. Severide picks up Shannara so she can be burped.
While washing pans, Shaylynn's phone rings.
She dries off her hands and picks up her phone....
"May I speak to Shaylynn Severide" the man on the other end says.
"Speaking" Shaylynn responds.
"Mrs. Severide, my name is Dr. Christopher Smith. I'm at the River North Clinic and we received a package for you from NYU Langone Fertility Center in New York"
Shaylynn doesn't understand what's going on, "What's in the package?" she asked him.
"Mrs. Severide, they're eggs you had frozen" Dr. Smith tells her.
She can't believe what she's hearing, "What would you like us to do with them?" the doctor asks her.
"I guess keep them frozen until I have time to think" she tells him.
"Understood! I have to go, I have an appointment to get to" Dr. Smith tells her.
"Thank you for the call doctor!" Shaylynn tells him hanging up.
The word doctor catches Severide's attention, then he sees the surprised look on Shaylynn's face, "Is everything alright?" he asks her.
"Yeah, I guess it is!" Shaylynn says as she sits down, "Dr. Smith from the River North Clinic called to tell me they received a package for me" she tells him.
"Why would a package for you be delivered there for?" Severide asks.
"It has my eggs in it" she tells Severide seeing the surprised expression on his face.
"Your eggs?" he asks surprised.
"When Marshall and I were going through all these tests to find out why we weren't getting pregnant, my eggs were harvested along with his sperm. With everything that's happened I forgot all about them!" she tells Severide.
"But why would they be sent? It's obvious you didn't send for them?" Severide says to her.
"After the doctor here requested my records from the Center in New York, they probably figured why should they keep my eggs if I'm here in Chicago. Free up space for them" she says.
"What are you going to do with them?" he asks her.
"No idea!" Shaylynn tells him, "It's sort of pointless to keep them! I can't do anything with them!" she says, "I better go! You're dropping Shannara off at the Herrmann's right?"
"Yeah!" Severide says.
"Great! I'll see you later" she tells Shannara kissing her on top of the head, "Talk to you later" she says to Severide and kisses him on the cheek.
A couple of minutes later, Severide can hear Shaylynn's car start up, then it starts to get quieter the further she drives away.
"Alright kiddo, I have to start getting ready for work" he tells Shannara realizing he doesn't have any clothes here.
"Looks like I'll be wearing these clothes to work" he says picking her up, "Let's get you ready to go out."

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