Chapter 25 "No Better"

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Shaylynn starts kissing Antonio back, until she realizes what she's doing, "Antonio, I can't do this! I'd be no better than Kelly if I did!"
Antonio puts his hands around her against the car, "I understand! But you know, I already have kids, so I'm not looking to have any more! If Kelly's doing this to piss you off because of what he said to you, then maybe you should start looking elsewhere."
Shaylynn looks into Antonio's dark eyes, "I have to go!" she tells him.
Antonio backs away from the car so Shaylynn can open the door. She gets in and starts up her car. He watches as Shaylynn pulls away.
Not wanting to go home because of all the memories there, she heads out of Chicago.

At the Firehouse, Sam walks into the Common area, Herrmann walks over to her, "Hey, Sam! What can I help you with?"
"I'm looking for Kelly!" she tells him.
"Check his Officers Quarters," Herrmann tells her.
"Thanks, Herrmann!" Sam says and heads back in that direction.
As Sam walks into the bunk room, she can see Severide sitting at his desk.
She walks over and knocks on his door, he looks up, waving her in.
Sam walks in and quickly closes the door, "What's wrong with you?!" she questions him.
"What are you talking about, Sam?!" Severide asks.
"What you said to Shaylynn over the phone! Really, Kelly! You're blaming her for Damian and Sarayas death?! She can't control another person's actions! If she would have known Austin was going to do something like that, don't you think she would have put a bullet in his head! All those years with Marshall thinking she was the one with the problem not being able to get pregnant and to find out HE was the one with the problem. Then out of nowhere she gets pregnant with Duncan's baby and has a miscarriage. That really messed her up!
After everything that happened to her, you and she get together, get married, and then pregnant with triplets. Do you remember how excited she was?! I remember how excited she was to bring those babies home. But then, things went horribly wrong! Blaming her for Damian and Sarayas death is uncalled for, but blaming her for Kelly Jr's death is inexcusable! You know damn well she had no control over what happened to him, just like Damian and Saraya! Also, what's this shit about you cheating on her?!" Sam asks him.
"I DID NOT cheat on Shaylynn!" Severide tells Sam.
Sam looks at the time, "I have a case I need to get to, but wanted to stop here first to talk some fucking sense into you! But the cheating part, that's Shaylynn's number one cardinal rule in dropping a relationship! No matter how much she loves the guy!"
"Sam, I DIDN'T cheat on her!" Severide tells her.
"Then YOU need to explain what happened to Shaylynn! Seems funny you went back to this girl's apartment!" Sam says, "I have to go!"
Sam turns around and opens the door, she turns back around and looks at Severide, "If you WANT to save your marriage, YOU have some major kissing ass to do!"
She walks out, the door closing behind her.
Severide turns around and starts filling out his paperwork. He stops and thinks about what Sam said to him.

The next 24 hours comes and goes.

The next day at District 21, Agent Oliver and Agent Carr walk up to the desk where Trudy is filling out paperwork.
She looks up and sees them standing in front of her, "I can help you, gentlemen?' she asks.
They show her their badges, "Is Sergeant Voight here?" Agent Oliver asks her.
"Let me call up," she tells them picking up the phone.
After being on the phone for a minute, she hangs it up, "He'll be down in a minute" she tells them.
"Thank you, Ma'am!" Agent Carr tells her.
They walk away from the desk while they wait for Hank. Within two minutes, Hank comes walking downstairs. Trudy sees him and points over to the agents.
They turn around and see a man walking toward them, "Are you, Hank Voight?" Agent Oliver asks him.
"I am," Hank tells him.
Agent Oliver extends his hand, "I'm Agent Dean Oliver. This is Agent Sam Carr. We work at the Department of Homeland Security with your daughter. Is there somewhere private we can talk?" he asks Hank.
Hank nods at the agents, "Follow me!" he tells them leading them upstairs to his office.
As the agents walk through to reach Hanks office, they notice no one's around.
Once inside his office, Hank turns around and looks at the agents, "So, what can I do for you?" Hank asks.
"We're here to see if you know where Shaylynn is," Agent Carr says.
"I don't know where she is. Last time I saw her was a day ago when she left here" Hank tells them, "Why are you looking for her? Didn't you see her at work?"
"If we saw her at work we wouldn't be here!" Agent Oliver tells Hank in a pissed off tone.
Antonio and Halstead are just about to walk by Hanks office when they hear him talking. Antonio sticks his arm out to stop Halstead from walking any further.
Hank glares at Agent Oliver, "What's going on?!" he asks.
"Shaylynn's car was found outside of Chicago. We were called because of her DHS sticker that's on the rear window. When we got to it, it was on a rural road with the driver's door wide open" Agent Carr tells him.
"Do you suspect foul play?" Hank asks.
"Most definitely! Her bag was still on the front seat with her gun inside" Agent Carr says.
Antonio starts walking toward the stairs with Halstead behind him.
Halstead follows Antonio down, "Where are you going?" he asks Antonio.
"I have an errand to run!" Antonio says walking down the rest of the stairs and walking out of the District.

At Firehouse 51, things are going as usual.
The guys are cleaning up around the Common area, while Brett and Kidd are putting up Christmas decorations.
Before anyone realizes it, Antonio storms into the Common area, he grabs onto Severide and slams him against a wall. "Where is she?!" Antonio yells.
"WHOA! Antonio, what are you doing?" Casey yells.
"Shaylynn's missing! With what he's put her through, I'm guessing he's behind this!" he yells at Casey, tightening his grip on Severide.
Severide gives Antonio a surprised look, "What do you mean Shaylynn's missing?"
"Don't act like you don't know!" Antonio yells at Severide.
Severide is finally able to break Antonio's grip, "I don't know! I've been on shift for the last 48 hours! It's our 72-hour rotation!"
Antonio looks around, "Since Gabby's out, isn't there someone taking her place?" he asks.
"Yes, but we haven't seen her for the last 24 hours, so Stella's filling in," Casey tells Antonio.
Antonio looks at Severide, "Isn't the newcomer the one you cheated on Shaylynn with?"
Everyone looks at Severide, "I didn't cheat on Shaylynn! There's something about Emma none of you know!" he shouts out.
"Then tell us!" Herrmann tells Severide.
"Give it up, Kelly! You cheated on Shaylynn and now you're trying to deny it in front of your friends!" Antonio tells him walking toward the door.
"I DID NOT cheat on Shaylynn with Emma! Emma's only seventeen!!" Severide tells them.
Everyone is in shock!
"Yes, I went back to Emma's apartment when I shouldn't have! That's if it's even her apartment. I was at a very low point, but should have known better than to go there! That's when I found out about Emma. When she went to the bathroom, that's when I noticed a high school yearbook sitting on a table. Seeing the year, things weren't adding up, so I looked inside. She's a senior in high school! Once I found out, I left and went to Casey's" he tells everyone.
Antonio looks at Casey who's shaking his head 'yes', "He's been staying with Gabby and me. The moving truck is parked out front pissing off the neighbors" Casey says.
"How did you figure out she's seventeen?" Otis asks.
"In the yearbook, under their pictures, it has their birthdate! We kissed a few times, but that's it!" Severide says.
"She must have fake papers saying she graduated from Paramedic school!" Herrmann says.
Antonio turns back around and heads outside, Severide hot on his heels.
"Don't think I don't know why you're here! Keep your hands off my wife!" Severide yells at Antonio.
Antonio stops, turns around, and looks at Severide, "If Shaylynn tells me she wants my hands on her, I'm going to put my hands on her!"
Severide starts walking closer to Antonio, "Do you really want to start a fight out here? And with me?" he asks Severide, "You have no business running your mouth after what you said to her!"

At Old Barrington Farm, a couple of the stable boys are getting hay for the horses when they notice something.
"I think she's dead!" the younger one says.
"I'm not dead!" Shaylynn says sitting up.
"Ma'am, why are you in here?" the oldest boy asks her.
"To be honest, I don't know! Where am I?" she asks the boys.
"You're on Old Barrington Farm!" the oldest boy tells her.
Shaylynn starts looking around for her bag, "Ma'am, what are you looking for?" the youngest boy asks.
"I'm looking for my bag," she tells him, "What's today?" she asks.
"Tuesday," the youngest boy says.
"Is there a car that sort of looks like a race car sitting outside?" she asks the boys.
"No, Ma'am!" the youngest boy says.
Shaylynn starts cursing under her breath.
"Ma'am, can we help you with something?" the oldest boy asks.
"Yes, first, stop calling me Ma'am! My name's Shaylynn. And second, you wouldn't happen to have a cell phone?" she asks the boy.
The oldest boy gets into his pocket, pulls out his cell phone, and hands it to her.
"Thank you!" Shaylynn tells him.
She dials a number....
"Butch, I need you to pick me up!" Shaylynn tells him. 

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