Chapter 20 "Matching Set"

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Everyone in Molly's is watching Shaylynn and the new detective to see what's going to happen.
Kidd touches Shaylynn's arm, Shaylynn looks over at her, "Let's go!" Kidd says.
Shaylynn looks back at Upton with a glaring look, "Outside!" Shaylynn tells Upton.
She turns and looks at Kidd, "Shit! Shaylynn, no!" Kidd says following Shaylynn out of Molly's.
Shaylynn and Kidd walk out, turning around Shaylynn watches the door.
A minute later, Upton comes walking out and instantly draws her gun on Shaylynn, which in turn Shaylynn draws her gun and points it at Upton.
"What the fuck are you two doing?" Shaylynn can hear Dawson yell from behind her.
"This bitch told Kelly I'm having an affair with Jay!" Shaylynn tells Dawson, "Both you and Stella need to stay back out of the way! If she fires, I don't need you two to get hit! I've been told she can't hit shit!"
"Do you want me to shoot you? I can, you know! You are pointing a weapon at a police officer!" Upton says to Shaylynn.
"You pulled your gun on me first! Anyways, I'll have you on the ground before you can get the first shot off!" Shaylynn tells her.
"Hailey, put your gun down!" Burgess yells walking up beside Shaylynn, "If this gets out that you drew your gun on her or just drew your gun at all for no good reason, Voight is going to have your badge! What's going on between you two anyways?" Burgess asks looking at Shaylynn.
"Your girl here told my husband that I'm having an affair with Jay! And now, I can't get ahold of Kelly!" Shaylynn tells her.
"Both of you need to put your guns away!" Burgess tells them.
Upton and Shaylynn continue to stand there with their guns pointed at each other.

Across town, Casey's with Severide heading to Molly's. He looks around and notices that they aren't heading in the right direction.
"Where are you going?" Casey asks Severide.
"Some where different!" Severide says pulling into a parking spot.
Severide opens his door and gets out. Casey hurries and does the same and follows Severide into a bar.
Casey watches Severide walk over to the bar, touch a man on the shoulder, and turn him around. Casey sees it's Halstead. Out of no where, Severide punches him!
Antonio is sitting by Halstead and taken off guard by Halstead falling to the floor, that is until he sees Severide standing there.
Halstead looks up, draws his gun, and points it at Severide as he gets up off the floor.
"Whoa! Jay put the gun away!" Casey yells.
Antonio stands up, draws his gun and points it at Halstead, "Jay! Put your gun away! Man, you're risking your job pulling your gun on Severide! Remember, he's Hank's son-in-law! Not to mention Shaylynn's husband! Just think how she'll act once she hears you pulled a gun on him! You know how Marines are! Do you want a Marine mad at you?!"
"But he doesn't have any right to come into a bar and hit someone, especially me!" Halstead tells Antonio looking at Severide.
"I have every damn right to hit you! You're having an affair with my wife!" Severide yells at Halstead.
"What the fuck, Kelly! I'm not having an affair with Shaylynn!" Halstead tells him as he puts his gun back in it's holster, "That woman loves you more than life!"
Antonio looks at Severide with a surprised expression, "Where the hell did you get the impression Jay's having an affair with Shaylynn?" he asks as he puts his gun away.
Halstead picks up the bar stool and sits down.
"Upton came to the Firehouse a few days ago, shows me a video of Jay grabbing Shaylynn's breasts and kissing her. She told me they're having an affair!" Severide tells Antonio.
Antonio looks at the back of Halstead and smacks him across the back of the head, "I told you what you did would come back to haunt you!" Antonio says to Halstead.
"OUCH!" Halstead yells out, "I had to sell it to Pooky that we were a couple! He wanted to get his hands on Shaylynn BAD!" Halstead says.
"But why would Upton do something like that?" Severide asks Antonio.
"I think she has a thing for Jay!" Antonio says.
Halstead looks at Antonio, "You're out of your mind!"
"I've seen the way she looks at you!" Antonio tells Halstead.
Severide glares at Antonio, "But WHY would she tell me that they are having an affair?!"
"Hank told her that she doesn't have what it takes to go undercover! And having a thing for Jay, I bet she's pissed because Shaylynn went in and what happened inside!" Antonio tells Severide.
"Would you stop saying Hailey has a thing for me!" Halstead yells out.
"If she doesn't have a thing for you and after what's happened, why would she cause all this trouble!" Antonio says to Halstead, "The way Shaylynn acted after the bust was over, there was NEVER an affair! She decked Jay pretty good!" Antonio tells Severide.
Severide smiles, "She did?"
"Yeah! See!" Halstead says turning his head to show the other side of his face to Severide, "Now I have a matching set!"
Severide looks at Casey, "I haven't talked to Shaylynn at all because of this! I didn't want to go off on her! If she finds all of this out...." he says and stops.
"She's going to go after Upton!" Antonio says, "Do you want me to come and help?"
Severide shakes his head 'no', "I can handle Shaylynn!" he says.
Halstead laughs, "Good luck with that!"
Antonio smacks Halstead on the back of the head again, "We're going!" Antonio tells Halstead, "If Shaylynn has found Hailey, you can help with Hail!"
All four guys start walking outside to their cars.
Casey pulls out his phone and calls Dawson.
"Gabby, you wouldn't happen to be with Shaylynn, would you?" Casey asks her.
"As a matter of fact, I am! So is Stella, Kim, and Hailey!" Dawson tells him with tension in her tone.
Casey gets a surprised look on his face and signals to the other guys to stop what they're doing, "What's going on?" Casey asks.
"Not much! Just Shaylynn and Hailey are pointing their guns at each other!" Dawson tells him.
"Where are you?" Casey asks.
"Outside of Molly's!" Dawson tells him.
"We're on our way!" Casey says hanging up.
"What's going on?" Severide asks Casey.
"Shaylynn found Hailey! They're standing outside of Molly's pointing their guns at each other!" Casey tells him.
"Shit!" Severide says to Casey.
He looks and sees Antonio looking at them, "Head to Molly's!" Severide yells.

*~*~*~* During lunch, I was able to write another chapter.  It's short, but still something.    This will be the last chapter before Thanksgiving (over the next couple of days I'll have a full house).

What do you think is going to happen to Shaylynn and Hailey?  

Will Severide, Halstead, and the others be able to get to Molly's in time before something bad happens?         

Leave a comment!

If you observe, have a Happy Thanksgiving!  *~*~*~*

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