Chapter 26 "Calm Down Big Man!"

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"Where the fuck are you?" Butch asks Shaylynn as he waves his hand in the air to get the attention of others.
"I'm at Old Barrington Farm," Shaylynn tells him.
"Why the hell are you there?" he asks her.
"I don't know! The last thing I remember is driving out of Chicago. I don't know where my car is!" she tells him.
"Your car is here in Chicago! Agent Oliver and Carr were called about your car and went to investigate. They found it on a rural road with the driver's side door open and your bag still on the front seat!" he tells her.
"Please tell me my gun was still in my bag!" she says.
"It was!" Butch tells her hearing voices in the background, "Who's that?" he asks.
"Two young men found me and are offering me their assistance," she tells him.
"By young men you mean.....?" he asks.
He hears Shaylynn talking to them, "Twelve and nine" she tells Butch.
Butch smiles, "I'll look up where Old Barrington Farm is and I'll be there as soon as I can!"
"See you then!" Shaylynn says hanging up.
Hank, Antonio, Halstead, Sam, Rob, and the other two guys walk over to Butch, "Was that Shaylynn?" Sam asks.
"Yes, that was Shaylynn!" Butch tells her.
"Where is she?" Hank asks him.
"She's at Old Barrington Farm," he says.
"Why is she there?" Antonio asks.
"She doesn't know! She doesn't know how she got there!" Butch tells everyone.
All of them start walking to their cars.
"I take it we're not calling Kelly to tell him?" Halstead asks.
The rest turn around and glare at him, "Okay, I take that as a no!" Halstead says.
All of them get into their cars. With Butch in the lead, they take off to go get Shaylynn.

As they get closer, they notice it's an Equestrian farm.
Driving down the road that borders the farm, they see Shaylynn riding a horse.
Antonio sees her and almost drives off the road, "Antonio! Are you trying to kill us?" Halstead asks him, smiling, "Calm down big man!"
Driving up the driveway, all of them find a place to park.
Shaylynn rides over to them as they get out of their cars, "I didn't think this many would come for me!" she says with a smile.
Antonio gets a big smile on his face. Halstead sees this and laughs at him.
A young boy who looks to be twelve comes out of the barn to meet Shaylynn. She gets down off the horse and hangs him the reigns, "Thank you, Tommy!"
He smiles at her as he leads the horse into the barn.
Hank walks up to her and hugs her, "What happened to you?"
"I don't know! Like I told Butch, one minute I was driving out of Chicago, the next thing I remember is being woken up by Tommy and his brother in the hay barn" she tells him, "The owners have been really nice to me! Seeing that I trespassed on their property, they had every right to shoot me on site since they have expensive horses, but they welcomed me into their home and let me ride" she tells them smiling.
"If everyone is ready, we should get back to Chicago!" Hank tells everyone.
"Shaylynn, you can ride with me!" Sam tells her.
"I have to wash up first!" Shaylynn says.
As everyone gets into their cars, Shaylynn walks into the barn with Antonio following her.
She walks over to a sink, washes her hands, and dries them. When she turns around she sees Antonio standing behind her.
"We better be getting out there!" she says walking past him.
As they walk toward the barn door, Antonio grabs Shaylynn and pulls her into an empty stall.
He pushes her up against a wall and starts kissing her, she starts kissing him back.
Within a few seconds, she pushes him away, "Antonio, you have to stop doing this! You're making it hard to resist!" she tells him.
"Then stop resisting!" he tells her moving in to kiss her again.
"Antonio, I can't! I don't cheat! I'm not like Kelly!" she tells him.
Antonio shakes his head, "Kelly didn't cheat on you" he tells her, "Well I guess it depends on what your definition of cheating is!"
"I guess since I've kissed you, my definition of cheating is full blown out sex! But how do you know he didn't cheat on me? I saw him go to that girl's apartment and she shut the curtains!" she tells him.
"He told me and all of the Firehouse when I went there to confront him when you came up missing!" Antonio tells her.
"You did that?" she asks him.
"Yes! I feel you two have A LOT to talk about before you both make a harsh decision!" Antonio tells her, "If you guys decide being together isn't going to work, I'll be here waiting for you!"
"What surprises me is Kelly didn't come," Shaylynn says.
"No one called him! If someone would have let him know that you had been found, he would have been here! I'm sure of it!" Antonio tells her.
"We better get out there! I bet everyone is wondering why it's taking me so long to wash up!" Shaylynn tells him.
They walk out of the stall and start walking outside to the cars.
While waiting on Antonio, Halstead calls Severide to let him know Shaylynn has been found.

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