Chapter 17 "Vodka Shots"

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The next day, Shaylynn goes back to Med to see the OB/GYN. He had a lot of babies to deliver, so her appointment was pushed back to the last appointment of the day.

Sitting on a bar stool at Molly's, Shaylynn calls for Herrmann, "Herrmann, another!" Shaylynn says pointing to the shot glass.
He looks at Dawson as he walks over to where Shaylynn's sitting at the bar. Picking up the vodka bottle, he pours Shaylynn another shot.
"How many shots has she had?" Otis asks Dawson.
"That one makes ten!" Dawson tells him.
"But she doesn't drink!" Otis says.
Dawson looks at him, "At least that's what she told people! If that was true, she should be on the floor!"
Herrmann walks over to them, "Have you called Kelly yet?" he asks Dawson.
"Yeah! He was at the gym, so he's on his way!" she tells him.
Twenty minutes and another ten shots later, Severide walks into Molly's.
Dawson sees him and walks over, "It took you long enough! She's had another ten shots already!" she tells him.
"Why didn't you cut her off?!" Severide asks in a pissed off tone.
"Since she's not acting drunk, we have no reason to cut her off!" Dawson tells him.
Severide shakes his head at Dawson and walks over to Shaylynn, "Babe, what's going on?" he asks Shaylynn.
She looks at him, "Do you want one?"
Severide shakes his head 'no', "Let's go home!" he tells her touching her arm.
She pulls her arm away from him, "I don't need help!"
"Shaylynn, this isn't like you!" Severide tells her.
"No shit this isn't like me! I don't drink! The only time I do drink is when I'm really pissed off!" she tells him.
Severide looks at her confused, "Can we go home and talk about this!"
Shaylynn looks around, she sees everyone looking at them. She gets into her bag for her wallet, she takes out $400 and lays it in front of Herrmann, "For the inconvenience!" she tells him.
Putting her wallet back in her bag, she stands up, walks past Severide and out of Molly's.
"Take care of her!" Herrmann tells Severide.
Severide nods at Herrmann, then walks out of Molly's after Shaylynn.
Once outside, Severide sees Shaylynn walking down the street, "Shaylynn, my car is over here!" he yells at her.
"I want to walk!" she yells back.
He runs and catches up with her, "What is wrong with you? Does this have to do with your doctor's appointment?"
Shaylynn stops walking, drops her bag, and turns around to look at him, "It has EVERYTHING to do with my appointment! Kelly, I can't have children! During the C-section my uterus was butchered! I haven't had a period at all and since we haven't had sex, I knew I wasn't pregnant! I had to see a new OB/GYN because the one who performed my surgery wouldn't see me!"
She falls down, sits on her butt, and starts crying.
Severide quickly goes over to her and drops to his knees beside her, "We can adopt!" he tells her.
Shaylynn shakes her head at what he says, "Kelly, I know you want children of your own!" she grabs one of his hands, puts her ring in it and closes it, "I'm not the right one for you any more!"
Severide looks at her pissed off, "You have no right to tell me who's the right one for me! You're the right one for me! I chose you for you! I have no problems adopting! There are so many children in the foster system who could use a loving home!"
Shaylynn shakes her head, "Kelly, it's not fair to you!" she tells him standing up.
She grabs her bag, gets into it to get her keys, "Shaylynn you're in no condition to drive!" Severide tells her ripping the keys out of her hand.
Shaylynn's pissed!
"Kelly, I'm fine! Now give me my keys!" Shaylynn yells at him.
"Not a chance!" Severide tells her, grabbing her arm pulling her over to his car.
"Let go of me!" Shaylynn yells putting up a fight.
"If you don't calm down, I'm going to throw you over my shoulder!" Severide says.
Shaylynn keeps trying to pull her arm away from him.
"That's it!" Severide says grabbing her arm harder, pulling her to him, and throwing her over his left shoulder.
"Put me down!" Shaylynn yells as Severide carries her over to his car.
Once he gets there, he unlocks the door, opens it, puts the passenger seat up, puts her down, and shoves her into the backseat. He hurries and closes the door, then runs over to the driver side and gets in.
Severide drives down the street, turns and starts heading for home.

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