Chapter 3 "Concerned"

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Four months have passed.

Shaylynn's pregnancy is going well considering the Infertility Specialists from the past telling her it would be hard for her to get pregnant. Her growing stomach is proof those specialists were wrong, but she has been gaining more weight than what she should.
So her OB/GYN is sending her in for an ultrasound.

Severide and Shaylynn show up at Med for her ultrasound.
She signs in, sits down by Severide, and waits for her name to be called.
After twenty minutes, her name is finally called. They follow the technician back to the room.
Shaylynn gets up on the table, Severide sitting on a stool beside her up by her head.
The technician dims the lights, puts gel on Shaylynns stomach, then puts the transducer probe on top of the gel.
"Do you want to know the sex?" the technician asks.
"We do, but we don't. We were hoping you could put the sex in an envelope and any pictures. That way we can be surprised with our family and friends" Shaylynn tells her.
"The..." the technician starts to say.
"Please, we don't want to know anything" Shaylynn tells her.
"But.." the technician tries to say again looking at Shaylynn.
"All we want to know right now is if the baby is okay" she tells the technician.
"Yes, the baby is healthy. Would you like to at least hear a heartbeat?" the technician asks.
Shaylynn smiles at her, "Yes, that would be great!"
The technician turns on the speakers. A very fast heartbeat fills the room.
Severide looks at Shaylynn and smiles.
The technician turns the machine off. She cleans the probe and puts it up. Then she cleans off Shaylynns stomach.
"I'll put everything in an envelope and leave it at the front desk. You can pick it up on your way out" the technician says and walks out the door.
Severide and Shaylynn walk out and collect the envelope. While walking out of Med, Severide holds the envelope up to the lights.
"Stop that!" Shaylynn tells him smacking his arm.
Severide puts his arm down with a disappointed look on his face, "I can't see through it anyways! We'll stop by Molly's and give this to Gabby since she said she wants to do this party."
They drop the envelope off and head for home.

A week later, they're heading back to Molly's for the party.
Severide finds a parking spot and helps Shaylynn out of the car.
The outside of Molly's is decorated with a ton of pink and blue balloons.
They walk inside to find everyone is already there waiting on them. Making their way around, Severide and Shaylynn say hi to everyone.
Dawson receives a text message. She reads it, smiles, then walks to the front of Molly's where the TV is.
"Alright everyone, listen up! The time has come to find out what the gender of little Severide is going to be. Kelly, Shaylynn will you two come up here please" Dawson says to them as Otis hooks his laptop up to the TV.
Severide and Shaylynn walk to the front of Molly's. Boden has a stool sitting out for Shaylynn to sit on.
Shaylynn sits down on the stool, while Severide stands behind her.
"Some people couldn't be here today that I know you would want to be a part of this" Dawson tells Shaylynn as Otis turns on his laptop.
On the TV is Butch, Rob, and Dan, "Hello Shaylynn!" all three of them say.
Shaylynn smiles, "Can they hear me?" she asks Otis.
"Yes, we can hear you!" Butch says.
Tears start making their way down her cheeks, Severide puts his hands on her shoulders, "Where's Dave?" she asks.
All of sudden his face comes into view of the camera, "I'm here! Someone with a brain has to run the camera!" he says with the other three guys giving him dirty looks.
Shaylynn starts laughing, "Where are you guys?" she asks them.
"We're in Kuwait. We had some business to take care of" Butch tells her, "We'll be back in Chicago in about a month."
Dawson speaks up, "I wanted to include them, but wanted to be surprised at the same time as you, so I had a friend email Butch all the information you gave me."
Shaylynn looks at Otis' laptop and smiles, "So you four know the sex of my baby before I do."
Butch, Rob, and Dan all look at each other and smile, "Shall we get started?" Rob asks.
"Let's go, guys!" Dawson tells them.
Butch walks over to a table and picks up a shotgun, he fires off one shot, it misses.
He fires off another shot, that one misses.
"Really, Butch! Come on already!" Shaylynn tells him.
Butch smiles.
Dave zooms in on the target, Butch fires hitting it, blue fireworks go off.
"IT'S A BOY!" everyone yells out at Molly's.
Everyone stops when they see Butch on the TV shaking his head and points to the side.
Dave moves over some to show Rob standing at a table with a shotgun and a target in the distance.
"We're having twins!" Severide says.
Rob turns, fires hitting the target. Pink fireworks go off.
"A boy and a girl!" Severide says smiling.
Rob shakes his head and points to his side, Dave moves over to show Dan standing at another table with a shotgun and another target.
"We're having triplets!" Shaylynn says covering her mouth with her hands in excitement.
Dan fires, hitting his target. Blue fireworks go off for a second time.
Dave comes out from behind the camera holding three ultrasound pictures, "Three babies, Shaylynn! THREE!" he says in excitement.

The next day, Shaylynn has an appointment with a Infertility Specialist that Severide couldn't make.
She told her regular OB/GYN her concerns at her last appointment about being able to get pregnant so quickly with Severide.
Sitting in the doctor's office, Shaylynn messes with her phone while she waits for him.
A couple of minutes later he walks in holding a folder.
"Sorry about the wait. Now let's address your concerns" he tells her.
"How could I go from having problems getting pregnant, to being pregnant with triplets?" she asks the doctor.
The doctor looks at her, "I finally received your medical records from the other Specialists a week ago. I wasn't able to get your first husband's records, seems they were destroyed once they found out he had passed away. But let me tell you, it was like pulling teeth to get your records. I went through them with a fine tooth comb and you never had any problems! In your file, you mentioned that your first husband was a Firefighter. Is that correct?"
"Yes, but what does that have anything to do with this?" Shaylynn asks.
"Seeing that he was a Firefighter, unfortunately some doctors in my field of medicine feel that for men, especially in certain occupations, that if they find out that their sperm isn't up to par it makes them feel less like man. They get depressed and feel like they can't perform their job. So the doctor's say it's the woman to spare the man" he tells her.
"So are you saying all this time I thought I could never get pregnant, I could?" she asks.
"That's what I'm saying. The specialists you and your first husband saw spared him and said it was you with the problem. Not having any medical records of your first husbands, I'm going to guess he had a low sperm count" the doctor looks at the ultrasound pictures, "Looking at these, there is no way you ever had a problem. The babies are all in separate amniotic sacs, which indicates three eggs were released and fertilized."
Shaylynn shakes her head, "All these years thinking I had a problem, when it was actually Marshall."
"Marshall didn't make you feel bad because the specialists said it was you with the problem?" the doctor asks her.
"Oh no! He was very caring! He would always tell me we could adopt, but at the time we weren't in any position to adopt a child with me in the Special Forces" Shaylynn tells the doctor, "I've kept you long enough. Thank you for your help figuring out that what I was told was wrong."
"You're welcome! Just take it easy, alright! I see you work for the ATF and that you're a field agent. It would be a good idea if you were put on a desk job until after the babies are here" the doctor tells her.
"That shouldn't be a problem!" Shaylynn tells him, "Thanks!" she says while walking out the door.
Shaylynn walks out of Med to her car. Pulling out of the parking lot, she heads toward Firehouse 51.

Shaylynn parks in front of the firehouse.
She walks up the driveway, seeing that no one is sitting around the Squad table and that the Squad truck is gone, she walks inside to the Common area.
Herrmann is the first to see her, jumps up, and runs over to her, "Here, let me help you to the couch!" he tells her.
Shaylynn smiles at him and let's out a little laugh while he grabs her arm.
Herrmann leads Shaylynn over to the couch, Mouch stands up, grabs her other arm, and they help her sit down.
Once Shaylynn sits down she grabs her stomach, "Gabby! Sylvie!" Herrmann shouts.



It might take me some time to post another chapter after this one.    A classmate/friend of my daughter's died in a terrible accident on September 24.  And not knowing how she's going to react, I might only be able to write a little here and there.

I hope everyone understands. 

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