Chapter 34 "Stay With Me"

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Severide quickly makes his way over to her. He scoops her up and walks over to the hole in the wall.
Cruz helps Severide through then they both head for the stairs.
Making their way down, they both walk outside, Severide taking Shaylynn over to the ambulance. He lays her down on the gurney, Dawson puts an oxygen mask on her.
"Alright, get the lines in there!" Boden yells.
Engine makes their way in with two lines. One for downstairs, one for upstairs.
A minute later Shaylynn starts to come around.
She looks at Severide and removes the mask from her face, "Shannara!" she says panicked.
"She's fine! She's inside the ambulance with Sylvie!" Severide tells her.
Shaylynn gets a relieved look on her face.
Dawson looks at Severide, "Since Shaylynn's out, we need to get her and Shannara to Med."
Shaylynn looks over at the house. Her eyes go glassy, Severide sees this.
"Shaylynn! NO! Stay with me! Fight it, baby! Don't let it take control of you!" Severide tells her (referring to her PTSD).
Holding her face between his hands, "Baby, look at me! Look at me!" he says turning her head so she's looking at him instead of the house.
Tears start streaming down her face, "Kelly, the house is gone! Christmas is ruined!" she says then starts to cry.
"Baby, you and Shannara are alive! That's the most important thing!" Severide tells her.
Dawson grabs Shaylynn's hand, "Can Sylvie and I take you and Shannara to Med?" she asks.
Shaylynn quickly looks at Dawson realizing her and Severide aren't alone.
She nods her head at Dawson.
Dawson opens the back doors to reveal Brett sitting in the back. She moves her legs to the side so the gurney can be loaded.
After the gurney is loaded, Dawson shuts the doors to keep the heat in, "Give me a minute!" Severide tells her.
Dawson nods.
Severide walks over to Capp, "Would you take care of Squad?" he asks Capp.
Capp smiles at him, "Sure! Not a problem!"
"Thanks!" Severide says and walks back over to the ambulance.
Dawson opens the door so Severide can get in.
After he's in, she closes the door and hurries to the front.
She gets in and speeds off to Med.
After the ambulance has left, a black Impala pulls up.
Dean and Sam get out and walk over to Boden, "Chief, I'm Agent Oliver and this is Agent Carr. We work with Shaylynn at DHS" he tells Boden.
"Yeah, I remember you two from that day. What can I do for you?" Boden asks them.
"We heard over the scanner about Shaylynn's house. When you have any information about how the fire started, we want to know! Seems odd just after what happened at the Loop, a few weeks later her house catches on fire!" Agent Oliver states.
"When I find out, I'll let you two know!" Boden tells them.
"Thanks, Chief!" Agent Carr says.
They walk back to their car and leave.

At Med, Shaylynn and Shannara are given oxygen.
Dr. Choi and Dr. Manning both agree after a few hours of breathing that, they'll be able to leave.
"Where are we going to go?" Shaylynn asks looking at Severide.
"We'll find some place!" Severide reassures her.
After about an hour, Severide sees that Boden has walked into the ED. Shaylynn has fallen asleep, so has Shannara, he quietly gets up and walks out.
Boden sees Severide walking toward him and walks outside. Severide follows him out.
"It was these damn hate groups that started the fire, wasn't it?" Severide says all pissed off.
"Kelly, a Christmas decoration short-circuited and caused a power surge that the breaker box couldn't handle. This was nothing but a freak accident" Boden tells him.
Severide gets a relieved look on his face that this wasn't caused by the groups, but it quickly turns back to sadness.
"How's Shaylynn and Shannara doing?" Boden asks him.
"They're doing good! Dr. Choi and Dr. Manning have them on oxygen for at least another hour" Severide says.
"Take as long as you need, alright!" Boden tells him.
Severide shakes his head.
"Worry about your family, get them settled before worrying about coming back to the Firehouse!" Boden says.
"Thanks, Chief!" Severide says.
Boden pats Severide on the shoulder then walks back to his vehicle.
Severide pulls out his phone...
"Hank, there was a fire at the house. Shaylynn and Shannara need a place to stay" Severide tells him, "They're at Med now."
"Look to your left" Hank tells him.
Severide looks to his left and sees Hank walking up to him.
Severide puts his phone back into his pocket as Hank walks up to him, "How did you know?" he asks Hank.
"Neighbor across the street from you guys is an old buddy. He called me" Hank says, "I just got done working on a case. Do you know what happened?"
"A Christmas decoration short-circuited and sent a power surge to the breaker box. It couldn't handle the surge and caught on fire" Severide tells him as they walk toward the ED doors.
Hank puts his hand on Severide's shoulder, "You guys are welcome to stay with me as long as you need to, but knowing Shaylynn, that won't be long! As soon as she's able to, she'll be looking for a new place for you guys. She's never liked staying with me. She has said she feels like she's intruding on Camille's territory."
"Shaylynn and Camille didn't get along?" Severide asks.
"Oh no, they got along great! I guess in Shaylynn's mind since she wasn't Camille's kid and her Mom was my high school sweetheart, that it was uncomfortable for Camille when she was around" Hank tells him as they walk into the ED.

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