Chapter 8 "Blue Angels & A Fire Truck"

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The next day, the nurses have Severide up and walking.
To regain his strength, he's been walking back and forth between ICU to see Shaylynn, then to the NICU to see Saraya and Damian.
The nurses in the ICU and NICU have seen Severide a lot being a Firefighter when he would help bring people into the hospital, but seeing him this depressed is really pulling at their heartstrings.
Later that day while Severide is in the NICU, a nurse is in Shaylynn's room changing her IV bag.
She looks down and sees that Shaylynn's eyes are open.
Shaylynn turns a little to make eye contact with the nurse, "Where am I?" Shaylynn asks her.
The nurse walks over to Shaylynn's bed side, "You're in the ICU. I need to go and call the doctor" the nurse tells Shaylynn and walks out of the room.
Shaylynn looks around the room as Dr. Rhodes rushes in, "Shaylynn, how are you feeling?" he asks her.
"Like I've been ran over by a fleet of MACK trucks!" she tells him, "Can I sit up?" she asks.
Dr. Rhodes walks over and raises the head of her bed some, "There's something you and Kelly need to talk about" he tells her.
"I know" Shaylynn says with a depressed look on her face.
Dr. Rhodes looks at her with a weird expression.
"Where's Kelly?" she asks.
"He was in the NICU when I called. I'm sure he's on his way here" Dr. Rhodes tells her.
Just as if he knew they were talking about him, Severide appears in the doorway.
Dr. Rhodes turns around and sees him, "I'll leave you two alone!" he says walking toward the doorway.
After Dr. Rhodes has passed by, Severide walks into Shaylynn's room. He walks over to a chair, pulls it closer to her bed, and sits down.
"I need to talk to you" Severide tells Shaylynn.
"If it's about Kelly Jr., I already know" Shaylynn tells him.
Severide's confused, "Did Connor tell you?" he asks her.
"No" Shaylynn says.
"Then how do you know?" Severide asks.
Shaylynn looks at him, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you!" she says, "I need to ask Connor when I can get out of here so I can visit Saraya and Damian. How are they?" she asks Severide.
"They're doing good" he tells her.
Shaylynn starts crying, "It's my fault!" she tells Severide, "My body let Kelly Jr. down!"
"It's not your fault! Things happen!" Severide tells her standing up and taking her into his arms.

A few days later Severide and Shaylynn are discharged from the hospital.
Before leaving, they stop by the NICU.
Shaylynn doesn't want to leave her babies behind.
"They'll be well taken care of" the nurse reassures Shaylynn.
"I have no doubt they will be, I just don't want to leave them!" Shaylynn tells the nurse.
Severide is standing back a little, listening to Shaylynn and the nurse talk. He feels so bad that they have to leave Saraya and Damian behind.

 He feels so bad that they have to leave Saraya and Damian behind

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Shaylynn turns around and starts walking toward Severide.
"You ready?" he asks her.
She shakes her head 'yes' while wiping away tears. Severide puts his arm around her shoulders and pulls her close to him.
"I'm sad also that we can't bring them home with us" Severide tells her, then kisses her on top of the head.
"Let's get this over with!" Shaylynn tells him.
"Are you sure you want to take care of arrangements today?" he asks her.
"If they're not taken care of today, there's a good chance I won't want to do them tomorrow" Shaylynn says.
"Okay, whatever you want to do, Babe" Severide tells her.

Finally reaching outside of Med, they sit down on a bench and wait for Benny to pick them up.
"While we're waiting, I would like to at least talk to you about one of the arrangements" Shaylynn says to Severide.
"I'm listening" he says.
"Thinking I was never going to get married again, when I bought Marshall's plot, I bought the one next to him for me. Seeing that you and I are married and figuring I would be buried next you, that leaves the plot open" Shaylynn tells him, "Kelly, I would like to bury Kelly Jr. in the plot so he's not off somewhere all by himself."
Severide looks at her, "But isn't Marshall's last name across the top of the headstone?"
"No" Shaylynn tells him, "Ironically, it's a picture of a Fire Truck" she says smiling.
Severide smiles back at her, "Then that would be a perfect spot for Kelly Jr! Right beside a fellow Firefighter."
"Are you sure you're okay with it and just not saying yes because of me?" Shaylynn asks him.
Severide shakes his head 'no', "Even though you've seen 51 argue with other Firefighters from different houses, it's still a brotherhood no matter where the Firehouse is located. We all took the same oath, we all know the dangers we could face. I'm more then happy for my son to rest alongside a fellow Firefighter who fell in the line of duty."
Shaylynn smiles, "Thank you, Kelly!"
"Babe, there's no need to thank me! Like I told you, we're partners in this! If something means a lot to you, then it means a lot to me!" he explains.

It's the day of Kelly Jr's funeral.
Both Severide and Shaylynn decided to just have a graveside ceremony.
Before it was time for the ceremony, Severide left the house so he could go to the funeral home that was handling Kelly Jr's body. After finally finding the mortician, Severide asks him if he could put something in with Kelly Jr. When the mortician says 'yes', Severide hands him a toy Fire truck.
Thankfully Butch, Rob, Dan, and Dave were able to make it back in enough time to attend to offer their support to Shaylynn and Severide.
Rob, an ex-Navy Seal, has called in some favors to get something for Shaylynn for Kelly Jr's funeral.
At graveside, everyone from 51, the Intelligence Unit, and some from Med are there.
Chaplain Orlovsky is there to deliver the eulogy.
To see such a small casket has everyone on edge.
When Chaplain Orlovsky is done, Rob walks up to where he's standing.
Everyone looks at Rob wondering what he's up to, "Hello everyone! I'm sure you're wondering why I'm standing here for" Rob says looking at his watch, "Knowing how much Shaylynn loves the Blue Angels, they're performing over Lake Michigan for everyone in Chicago and dedicating their performance to Kelly Jr. If you would like to watch, the best place would be at Montrose Beach" Rob says.
As on cue, five of the Navy Blue Angels flies overhead and performs the "missing man" formation.
Shaylynn is dumbfounded that Rob has done this for her or that he even remembered her telling him she liked the Blue Angels. She remembers telling him about them when they first met.
Everyone starts heading to their cars, while Shaylynn walks up to Rob, "Thank you for doing this for Kelly Jr.!" she says while hugging him.
Rob kisses Shaylynn on the cheek as he backs away from her, "You're my sister! You always have been since that first day we met! I'll do anything to try and cheer you up!"
Rob and Shaylynn start walking to the cars so not to be left behind.

Arriving at Montrose Beach, Severide and Shaylynn meet up with Hank, Halstead, and Sam.
All of them are standing back behind Severide's car while they wait for Shaylynn to change her shoes.
"I can't believe Erin didn't come to the funeral" Sam says.
"Fuck Erin!" Shaylynn says out in a growl.
The four of them look at Shaylynn, "What?" she asks, "She left us and Chicago behind for her drug using, drinking, murderous mother! Bunny has always been a pain in the ass and put this family through hell! When Camille died, Erin didn't want to help this family in any way! All she wanted to do was run the streets, looking for her next high! Erin was always a charity case! People tip toeing around her to make sure they didn't do or say something to make her go over the edge and send her back to drinking. Oh no, wait! She did do that when she turned in her badge and gun!" Shaylynn says, then looks at Hank, "WHY you gave them back to her and let her back into Intelligence is beyond me the way she screwed you over! Oh, but I do know why! You will ALWAYS see Erin as a charity case that needs to be handled with care! Since I couldn't be in your life, you basically replaced ME with HER!"
Shaylynn starts walking away from the group.
"She didn't mean that stuff, Dad" Sam tells Hank.
Hank looks at her, "Oh yes she did!"

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