Chapter 24 "Males Stick Together"

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Kidd is walking past the side door that leads outside. She hears shouting and runs outside.
When she gets out there, she sees Severide and Shaylynn yelling at each other.
Severide starts walking closer to Shaylynn, Kidd hurries and gets in between them, "Kelly, it would be a good idea for you to back up!" Kidd says.
Severide stares at her, "Shaylynn doesn't need you to protect her!" he tells Kidd.
"Who says I'm protecting her!" Kidd says.
"Stella, it's alright!" Shaylynn tells her.
"No, it's not! He shouldn't be shouting at you!" Kidd tells her.
"She shouldn't be shouting at me either!" Severide says.
"I'm sure you deserve it!" Kidd says to him.
"I have to be going to work!" Shaylynn says and starts walking down the driveway.
Severide starts walking after her, until Kidd gets in front of him, "Kelly, no!" she says, "Let her leave!"
Severide gives Kidd a glare, then turns around and walks back into the Firehouse.
Kidd starts walking back to the Firehouse when she sees Emma looking out the door, smiling. Emma sees Kidd and backs up from the door.
Kidd pulls out her phone and calls Sam.
"Sam, it's Stella. Somethings going on between Kelly and Shaylynn. It's not good!" she tells Sam.
"Thanks for letting me know! I'll call her and see what's going on" Sam says, hanging up.
A call comes into the Firehouse. As the doors go up, Kidd runs in to get her gear on.

Later that day, Sam calls Shaylynn.
"Shaylynn, can you stop by the District. I'm here talking to Dad. We have some things we need to ask you" Sam says.
"Alright! I'll be there in about 10 minutes" she says hanging up.
Ten minutes later, Shaylynn's arriving at the District.
With her car being so loud, Sam is waiting for Shaylynn down by the door to let her upstairs.
Once through, they both walk up the stairs toward Hank's office. Sam walks in first, Shaylynn following behind.
"Close the door!" Hank tells Shaylynn as Sam sits down.
After she closes the door, she turns around to see both Hank and Sam staring at her.
"What?" Shaylynn questions them.
"What's going on between you and Kelly?" Sam asks her.
"How do you know about this?" Shaylynn asks her.
"Stella called me. She said you and Kelly were fighting outside of the Firehouse. Something about a moving truck" Sam says.
"Kelly and I are over! He cheated on with the paramedic who's filling in for Gabby! And before you say anything, yes I know he cheated on me! I saw them at Monk's Pub kissing. Then I followed Kelly and he went to her apartment afterward. The entire time he was off, he never came home or called me! To make matters worse, before this happened, we had an argument over the phone, he told me he blames me for the deaths of Damian, Saraya, and Kelly Jr." she tells them.
Hank stares at Shaylynn, "Please tell me you're joking and he didn't say that!"
"Why would I joke about something like that?" Shaylynn questions him, "He wanted to adopt this baby. I got things together from Peter, went to the hospital, but it was too late. I called him, but he was on a call, so I left him a message to call me. When he did is when we got into it. He said I was too late! Even though I wasn't told until two hours later after everything happened. Then said I lost this baby just like I lost our three!" Shaylynn tells them, with tears beginning to well in her eyes.
Sam is so pissed!
Sam stands up, walks over to Shaylynn, and hugs her, "Kelly will come to his senses!" she tells Shaylynn.
Shaylynn backs up and wipes her eyes, "It doesn't matter! He cheated on me! That's the same reason I called it off with Austin!"
"You have to give Kelly another chance!" Hank tells Shaylynn.
She looks at him with a pissed off look, "Of course you would say that! Coming from a man! And what, give Kelly another chance to cheat on me?! Not going to happen! All it takes is one time!"
"There has to be a good explanation for what he did," Hank says.
Shaylynn looks at Sam, then back over to Hank, "Yeah there is! To get his dick wet! It seems he can't help to dip his dick into anything female that comes into that Firehouse! I think the only females he never dipped into is Gabby and Shay!" Shaylynn yells.
Sam let's out a little snicker, Hank gives her a look.
"I'm not going to discuss this with you any longer! It's obvious who's side you're on! Is there a code that all males stick together?!" Shaylynn says to Hank, "I'm leaving!"
Shaylynn opens the door and walks out of Hanks office.
"Brilliant, Dad!" Sam says to Hank as she rushes out after Shaylynn.
"Shaylynn, wait up!" Sam yells as she rushes down the stairs.
Catching up with Shaylynn, they both walk out of the District.
"Is that why you called me?" Shaylynn asks Sam, "To basically be told by Dad that I should forgive my cheating husband?"
"Absolutely not! I wouldn't do that to you! If I knew he was going to say that, I wouldn't have told you to stop by!" Sam tells her.
Antonio and Halstead walk over to where Sam and Shaylynn are standing, "Is everything alright?" Antonio asks them.
"Yes, everything's fine!" Shaylynn tells him.
"We were just wondering because we heard quite a commotion inside Hank's office," Halstead says.
"Did you hear everything?" Shaylynn asks them.
Both Antonio and Halstead shake their heads 'yes'.
"Do you two want to go and get drinks with us?" Antonio asks, "Sounds like you could use it!" he says looking at Shaylynn.
Shaylynn looks at Sam, "I'm up for it!" Sam says.
"Alright, let's go!" Shaylynn says, "Where are we meeting? And don't say Molly's! I don't need a lot of eyes on me!"
"How about Stocks & Blondes. Over on North Wells Street," Halstead says.
"Okay, we'll meet you there!" Sam says.
All of them walk off to their cars.

Pulling into the self-parking, Shaylynn finds a parking spot. Walking down, she walks toward the bar.
She walks in to see Antonio and Halstead already there. As she sits down her phone rings.
"Shaylynn, I just got called on a case so I can't make it!" Sam tells her.
"Alright! Maybe we can catch up this weekend!" Shaylynn says.
"I'll like that! Talk to you later!" Sam says hanging up.
"Is everything alright?" Antonio asks her.
"Yeah! Sam was called in a case so she can't make it" Shaylynn says putting her phone back into her bag.
After about an hour, Halstead has to leave to get ready for a date.
"How are you enjoying being an Uncle?" Shaylynn asks Antonio.
He smiles, "I like it! I get to spoil Leslie and then leave! The same thing Gabby did to my kids."
Shaylynn laughs, she looks at the time, "I should be going! There's been some chatter coming through the wires and we have a big meeting tomorrow really early!" she tells Antonio.
"Alright, where did you park?" Antonio asks her.
"In the self-parking" she tells him.
"I'll walk with you," he tells her as they get up and walk out.
Walking into the self-parking, Shaylynn walks up to her car with Antonio behind her.
She unlocks the door and turns around, "Thanks for the invite, Antonio! It was nice talking to you and Jay and getting my mind off things!"
Out of nowhere, Antonio starts kissing her.
Pushing his body onto her's, pushing her back onto her car. 

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