Chapter 9 "Take A Ride"

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It's been two months since Kelly Jr's funeral.
Since then, Severide and Shaylynn have tried to spend as much time at Med as they can.
Shaylynn has been able to take time off from the ATF, were Severide hasn't been as lucky.
The higher ups in the CFD have changed. With new personnel and a new Fire Commissioner, they're all trying to make names for themselves busting everyone's balls.

Shaylynn arrives at Med.
Making her way up to the NICU, Dr. Rhodes meets her at the elevator with her usual hot chocolate.
"It's hard to believe two months ago we were on the beach watching the Blue Angels, and now it's in the thirties" Dr. Rhodes says to Shaylynn as they walk to the NICU.
By the time they make it to the NICU, Shaylynn has finished her drink.
"Will Kelly be joining you today?" Dr. Rhodes asks.
"Nope" Shaylynn says, "These new people are being a real pain in the ass! It's killing him not being able to come more often.
Dr. Rhodes looks down and sees Shaylynn's carrying a bag, "Are you staying here all night?" he asks her.
"No. The last time I was here, I dressed too warm and got to hot. This time I brought a different top in case that happens again" she tells him.
Once they reach the NICU, Dr. Rhodes opens and holds the door for Shaylynn, "Will, Natile, and I are getting together for lunch, would you like to join us?" he asks her.
"That would be great! Thanks!" she tells him.
"See ya later!" Dr. Rhodes says closing the door.
Shaylynn walks into the NICU.
She says 'hi' to all the nurses she passes. When she walks up to the incubators where Saraya and Damian were, her heart stops!
A nurse sees her and quickly walks over, "Mrs. Severide, I wanted to meet you at the door before you came back here."
"Where are my babies?" Shaylynn asks.
"They've been moved to the regular nursery" the nurse tells her, smiling.
Shaylynn looks at the nurse and smiles, "Does that mean?"
"Yep, they'll be going home soon!" the nurse tells her.
"Thank you!" Shaylynn says.
She quickly walks out of the NICU, heading toward the regular nursery.
On the way she runs into Dr. Rhodes, "Shaylynn, I'm so sorry! I should've checked on Saraya and Damian, that way you wouldn't have had to go to the NICU."
"It's alright!" Shaylynn tells him, "I'm thrilled they've been moved to the regular nursery!"
"Mind if I go with you?" Dr. Rhodes asks her.
"Not at all!" Shaylynn tells him.

At Firehouse 51, Squad has moved inside because of the dropping temperatures.
Sitting at the table, Severide is messing around with his phone.
Everyone keeps looking over at him, they can tell he's depressed since he can't go to the hospital.
Boden walks into the Common area, "Herrmann you'll be acting Lieutenant on Truck. Gabby went into labor!"
The Firehouse cheers!
Severide's phone vibrates in his hand, he looks and sees it's a text message from Shaylynn.
He opens the message and gets a smile on his face that goes from ear to ear.
Capp looks over and sees Severide smiling, "What's finally making you smile?" Capp asks.
Severide turns his phone around and shows Capp the picture.
Capp smiles, "It's nice to see both of you have smiles on your faces!"
Severide's phone vibrates again, it's another text message.

Shaylynn's walking down the hallway with Dr. Rhodes when her phone vibrates.
"Is everything alright?" Dr. Rhodes asks seeing Shaylynn looking at her phone.
"Yes, it's a text from Kelly" she tells him.
They step to the side so they're in no one's way. Shaylynn opens the text message.

Kelly: Where are you with them?

Shaylynn: They're in the regular nursery. :)

Kelly: Are they really? What does that mean? And why are you wearing two different tops?

Shaylynn: It means they'll be coming home soon! Damian spit up on me, so I had to change shirts before I could hold Saraya.

Kelly: What are you doing now?

Shaylynn: I'm heading down to the cafeteria for lunch.

Kelly: Alright! I'll talk to you later!

Severide looks over at Boden, "Saraya and Damian have been moved to the regular nursery!" he says with a smile on his face.
"That's great news!" Herrmann says to Severide.
"Squad, take a ride!" Boden tells them.
Severide looks at him with a questioning look, "Yeah?"
"Yeah! Get out of here!" Boden demands, then smiles at Severide.
"Let's go Squad!" Severide says, walking toward the doors.
All of the other guys jump up, following Severide out.

Sitting at a table in the cafeteria, Shaylynn is finishing up her lunch.
"Connor told us that Saraya and Damian have been moved to the regular nursery" Dr. Manning says to Shaylynn.
"Yes, it's nice to be able to hold them without all the wires" Shaylynn says, "I just wish Kelly could've been here."
"I'm sure he'll be able to get away from the Firehouse and be able to come and see them" Dr. Rhodes says.
As if by magic, Severide and the other guys walk into the cafeteria.
"Kelly!" Shaylynn says all excited.
She stands up as he walks over to the table. Once he walks up to her, he hugs and kisses her.
"How did you get away?" she asks him.
"Once Chief heard that Saraya and Damian had been moved, he told us to take a ride" he tells her.
"I'm so happy you're here!" Shaylynn tells him, "Ready to go up and see them?"
"You bet!" Severide tells her.
Shaylynn looks over at Dr. Halstead, Dr. Manning, and Dr. Rhodes, "Go on!" Dr. Rhodes tells her.
"Thanks for lunch, guys!" Shaylynn tells the three doctors.
She gathers up her purse, grabs Severide's hand, and they start walking toward the other guys.

Arriving at the nursery, Severide and Shaylynn walk in while the other guys stand at the window looking in.
Since Saraya and Damian were in the NICU, no one in the Firehouse has seen them.
Damian is getting his diaper changed when they walk in, so the first baby Severide holds is Saraya.
He walks over to the window so the guys can get a better look at her.
Capp, Tony, Cruz have their phones out, taking pictures.
When she starts crying, a nurse walks over and takes her from Severide. She walks over to Shaylynn, hands Saraya to her so she can feed her.
Another nurse walks over to Severide and hands him Damian. Again, the other guys start taking pictures.
A call for Squad comes over the guys radios. With Severide inside the nursery, he left his radio with the others.
Capp starts tapping on the glass to get Severide's attention. Severide looks over, he sees Capp point to his radio. He gets a depressed look on his face.
Severide walks over to the nurse who gave him Damian, "I have to be going" he says, then gives Damian a kiss on top of his head.
He walks over to Shaylynn, bends down onto one knee, "We just got a call" he tells her.
"Okay. Be safe!" Shaylynn tells him.
Severide kisses Saraya on top of the head like he did Damian. He stands back up, bends over and kisses Shaylynn.
"I love you!" he says to her.
"I love you, too!" she tells him.
Severide starts walking toward the door. He turns around before walking out to get one last look at his family before he leaves.

From Fire Comes Life (Born Of Fire) Ruling Chicago #2 (Chicago Fire)Where stories live. Discover now