Chapter 18 "Therapy"

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The next morning, Shaylynn wakes up. Her head is pounding.
She looks over to her night stand, there's a single rose in a vase sitting with a glass of water beside it, some aspirin, and a note. She grabs the piece of paper.....


I figured you might need these. Went out running. Call if you need me! Love you!

Shaylynn rubs her head.
Throwing the covers to the side, she throws her legs over the side of the bed and sits up.
Grabbing the aspirin, she puts them in her mouth and chases them with a drink of water.
Looking down, she sees all she's wearing is her bra and panties.
Getting up she walks over to her dresser. She opens a drawer and grabs a new pair of panties and another bra.
Opening two more drawers, she grabs a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. 

Shaylynn then walks to the bathroom and gets dressed

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Shaylynn then walks to the bathroom and gets dressed. After she's dressed, she brushes her hair and puts it up in a high ponytail.
She walks out of the bathroom and out of the master bedroom. Making her way to the door that's right beside the master bedroom, she stops and takes a deep breath.
Shaylynn grabs the doorknob, opens the door, and walks in.
Three walls are white, where one is still robin egg blue. She walks over to a paint can and picks it up. She's about ready to dump the paint into a paint pan, but stops.
Looking at the wall that's still blue, she throws the paint can at it, sending white paint every where.
She drops to her knees and pounds her fists on the floor while screaming. Picking herself up, she storms out of the room slamming the door behind her.
Running down the stairs, she finds her phone and bag on the kitchen counter.
Picking up her phone she makes a call. A minute later she makes another call.
Within five minutes, a taxi is sitting outside.
Shaylynn grabs her bag and walks out the door.
She gets into the taxi and shuts the door, "Address?" the driver asks her.
"75 Bradrock Drive" Shaylynn tells him.
The driver nods at her, turns on the meter, and drives off.

Arriving at the address, Shaylynn pays the driver.
She gets out and starts walking up to a building, passing by a sign that reads Maxon Shooters Supply & Indoor Range.
When she comes up to the door, she presses a button. Two seconds later, the door buzzes and Shaylynn walks in.
A guy that's standing behind a counter looks over at her, "Hello Shaylynn!" the older man says.
"Hello Rodney!" Shaylynn says.
"How's your Dad?" Rodney asks her.
"Good I guess! I haven't seen him in a while" she tells him.
"Looks like you could use some therapy!" Rodney says.
Shaylynn smiles, "You know it!"
Rodney waves his arm at her to follow him, "Let's go! I have one spot open. Good thing you called so I could save it for you!" he tells her as she follows him to the back.
Once in the back, they both walk through a door, onto the firing range.
"Right in the middle" Rodney tells her, "Do you have your case?" he asks.
Shaylynn gets into her bag and pulls out a small black case and hands it to him.
Rodney puts it down on a table and opens it up. He pulls out her Sig and inspects it.
"I swear you're the only one who brings in a gun that looks like it's never been fired!" Rodney says smiling at her putting her Sig back down.
He looks back in the case and sees she has ten clips, "Damn, girl! Are you going to fire all of them?"
"That's the plan!" Shaylynn tells him smiling.
"You are in MAJOR need of therapy!" Rodney says as he walks her case up to the empty spot.
Shaylynn grabs her safety glasses and ear protection out of the bag, then walks to where Rodney is standing.
When she gets there, Rodney has her Sig and first clip laying out waiting on her. He walks back to the table and picks up a set of safety glasses and some ear protection. Shaylynn turns her head to see what he's doing.
He turns around and sees she's looking at him, "Oh, I'm not going anywhere! It's a treat when you come and I'm not missing the show!" he says smiling.
The other guys on the range look at Shaylynn, then look back at Rodney. By their looks, they're wondering what's so special about her.
Shaylynn picks up her Sig and inserts the clip. She flips the safety off and starts firing at the target that's at the end of her lane.
Before anyone knows it she's taking out her first clip and putting in her second one and starts firing again.
When she's done, she takes out her clip, lays it down along with her Sig.
"Damn girl!" Rodney says as he pushes a button so the target comes to the front.
When it makes it to the front, the whole middle section is missing along with the middle section of the head. 

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