Chapter 35 "Betrayed"

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The next day, it's the end of shift.
Severide leaves the Firehouse and heads to Hank's house.
He parks out front of Hank's house walks up the steps and knocks on the door since he doesn't have a key.
Hank opens the door. Severide can tell by the look on his face something's wrong.
Severide walks in and heads straight to the living room to find Shaylynn crying. He quickly walks over and sits down beside her.
"What's wrong?" he asks her putting his arm around her shoulders.
"Peter called me. He said Shannara's biological father found out about her through Jessica's parents. He's going to contest Jessica's will and wants custody of Shannara!" Shaylynn tells him, "I called the real estate agent and told him not to put an offer on the house. I can't handle going through trying to get a house and this with Shannara!"
Severide shakes his head, "I can't handle this! Not again!" he says and stands up.
Shaylynn watches him stand up, "What the fuck, Kelly?!" she says to him.
He walks out of the living room, toward the front door, "Where are you going?" Hank asks him standing by the door.
"I'm leaving! I can't handle this! Shannara comes into our lives, then this happens!" Severide tells him.
"Do you think Shaylynn wants this to happen?! She loves Shannara just as much as you do! You better think long and hard before walking out that door! If you do, I will do everything I can to make sure Shaylynn doesn't let you back into her life! She doesn't deserve this, Kelly! She deserves better!" Hank tells him.
Severide looks at Hank, grabs the doorknob, opens the door, and walks out, closing the door behind him.
Hank stands there in disbelief, shaking his head.
Severide gets into his truck and pulls away.
Sitting in traffic, his phone rings.
"May I speak to Mr. Severide?" a guy asks.
"Speaking," Severide says.
"This is Dr. Sky at the fertility clinic, I have results for you. I'm sorry, but the eggs were to old. If they would have been embryos, that's different."
"Thanks!" Severide says hanging up.
He throws his phone up onto the dash and breaks the screen.

An hour later, Shaylynn's phone rings.
"Is this Mrs. Severide?" a man asks.
"Yes," Shaylynn says.
"Mrs. Severide, this is Dr. Smith at the Riverside Fertility Center. I don't know how to tell you this, but it seems someone gave permission for your eggs to be fertilized" he tells.
Shaylynn gets a shocked look on her face.
"I looked over the paperwork that was submitted with your eggs and the paperwork that was submitted with this request, your signatures don't match," the doctor tells her.
"It had to be my husband!" she tells the doctor pissed.
"I figured it was when I saw the phone number on the paperwork wasn't yours. The doctor who filled out the paperwork, I had him call your husband and I have dealt with him. What would you like for me to do with your....?" Dr. Smith starts to ask Shaylynn, but she doesn't let him finish.
"Hold on to them for a little longer! If possible, I might use them down the road!" she tells the doctor.
"But.." the doctor says.
"I have to go! Thanks for the call!" Shaylynn tells him hanging up.
"That son of a bitch!" Shaylynn shouts out.
Hank walks into the room, "What's going on?" he asks her.
"Kelly went behind my back and had my eggs fertilized! He must have taken in some woman and had her forge my signature!" she tells him.
"Another nail in the coffin!" Hank says.
Shaylynn shakes her head, "I give him another chance and he treats me like this!"
"Shaylynn, maybe..." Hank starts to say.
"Dad, please. I'm grown, I can take care of my own love life or lack of!" Shaylynn tells him, "Do you mind if I leave for a little bit and clear my head?" she asks him looking at Shannara.
Hank smiles at her, "Go! Shannara will be fine!"
"Thank you!" Shaylynn says kissing him on the cheek.
She grabs her bag and keys and walks out the door.

A few hours later, Shaylynn receives a call from Hank to meet him at an address.
When she pulls up, she sees it's a crime scene and Hank over by his SUV.
She gets out and walks over to him, "Thanks for coming so quick! Shannara is asleep" he tells her.
Shaylynn opens the back door, unhooks her car seat, and takes her out. She walks over to her SUV and puts her in.
Hank walks over to her, "How you doing?" he asks.
"Not good! How can someone you love more than anything treat you like this?" Shaylynn asks him.
Hank shrugs his shoulders, "It's time to ask yourself, does he love you as much as you love him?"
"Hank!" Alvin yells.
"I have to go," Hank tells her with a worried look.
"It's alright, Dad. I'll be fine!" Shaylynn tells him.
Hank walks away over to where Alvin is. Shaylynn stands there, letting the snow fall on her.
Antonio looks over at her, she just glares at him.
"He won't bite!" Halstead tells her.
Shaylynn looks to her side and sees that he's standing beside her, "How are you?" he asks her.
"I'm fine!" she tells him looking at over at him, she sees the look on his face, "What?" she asks.
"How are you really doing?" he asks her.
Shaylynn gives him a look, "Hank was talking to Alvin and told him what happened. I happen to overhear when I walked up behind them," Halstead tells her.
Shaylynn rolls her eyes.
"Around nine I'm meeting Will and Natalie at Molly's. Would you like to join us?" Halstead asks her.
"Why not! A friend of mine just retired from the Marines and moved back to Chicago. She's been begging to watch Shannara" she says.
Halstead smiles, "I'll see you later!" he says and walks over to the crime scene.
Shaylynn gets into her SUV and drives off.
On her way back to Hank's house she remembers she only has a few pieces of clothing. Making a detour, she heads to the mall.

Later on, Shaylynn gets dressed to head to Molly's. 

As of right now, she doesn't care what Severide's doing

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As of right now, she doesn't care what Severide's doing.
Walking out to her SUV with Shannara, she puts her in the back seat. Driving off, Shaylynn heads toward her friend's condo.

Finding a parking space on a side street, Shaylynn walks to Molly's.
She walks in and sees the Halstead brothers along with Natalie sitting at a table. She's seen and waved over.
Shaylynn walks past everyone from 51 saying hi to them. They all watch her walk over and sit down by Jay.
About an hour and a half goes by, that's when Severide walks in.
He walks over to the bar and sits down, Dawson walks up to him with a beer and sits it down, "Shaylynn's here!" she tells him.
Severide takes a drink of his beer, then looks around to find her. When he spots her, he sees she's sitting by Jay.
"How long has she been here?" Severide asks Dawson.
"A little over an hour. Is everything alright?" Dawson asks him.
"No!" Severide tells her.
Shaylynn looks over and sees Dawson talking to Severide at the bar, "Jay can we get out of here?" she asks him.
"Sure!" Jay says standing up.
"It was nice seeing you two!" Shaylynn tells Will and Natalie.
"See you guys later!" Jay tells Natalie and his brother.
He walks around Shaylynn, grabs her hand, and starts leading her out of Molly's. As they pass the bar, Severide grabs onto Shaylynn's other arm.
"Where do you think you're going?" Severide asks her.
"Let go of me, Kelly! I'm leaving!" she tells him.
"You're leaving with Jay?" he asks giving Halstead a glare.
"Yes, I'm leaving with him!" she tells him, "Just like you left me because you couldn't handle things any longer!"
By now Molly's has gone quiet.
"Like hell, you're leaving with him!" Severide says angry, standing up.
"Kelly, you don't have a say in what I do! You left and made your intentions loud and clear by betraying me!" she tells him.
"How did I betray you?" Severide asks her.
"By going behind my back, forging my name to have my frozen eggs fertilized!" she yells at him, "That's an all-time low!"
Severide looks at her surprised.
"Yeah, I know about it! The doctor in charge of the center called me! He said when he compared the signature on the paperwork that came from New York with my eggs to the signature on the new paperwork, it didn't match. That's when he had the doctor you dealt with contact you and then fired him!" Shaylynn tells him, "We're done, Kelly! I should have never given you another chance!"
Shaylynn gets into her bag, she pulls out the bracelet he gave her and her ring. She sits them down on the bar, everyone in Molly's gasps.
"You're free, Kelly! You can go and fuck the rest of Chicago if there's anyone left!" Shaylynn tells him turning to walk out of Molly's, she stops and turns around to look at him, "I bet Shay is so disappointed in you!"
She turns back around and walks out of Molly's with Halstead.


The End!

I hope you'll come back and read Heat In The City (Raging Inferno) to find out what's going to happen with Shaylynn, Severide, and Halstead.

Could this finally be the end for Shaylynn and Severide?!

From Fire Comes Life (Born Of Fire) Ruling Chicago #2 (Chicago Fire)Where stories live. Discover now