Chapter 7 "Goodbye"

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Standing in a field of wild flowers, Shaylynn looks around.
I'm surely dead! She thinks to herself.
Looking down at her clothes she sees she's wearing a white sundress.
Now I know I'm dead! She thinks to herself again.
Off in the distance a figure appears, that starts walking toward her.
Sunlight is shining in her face so she can't make out who it is. Even shielding her eyes from the light doesn't help.
As the figure gets closer, she can tell by the outline it's a man.
Finally the figure gets close enough so Shaylynn can see who it is.
"Marshall?!" Shaylynn says surprised.
"Hello, Shaylynn!" Marshall says to her.
Before Shaylynn can say anything else to Marshall, another figure appears, but closer this time.
The figure walks up to Marshall and Shaylynn carrying something.
When the figure is close enough, Shaylynn sees it's Duncan carrying a baby.
"Duncan?! I can't believe what I'm seeing! Both of you together! Duncan, is that our baby?" Shaylynn asks him.
"No, it's not. What you had with me was a anembryonic pregnancy. There was no baby" Duncan tells her.
Duncan looks over at Marshall, "You have to tell her!" Marshall tells him.
Duncan looks back at Shaylynn, "This is Kelly Jr. He didn't make it."
Shaylynn's in shock! She wants to cry, but she can't. Looking up at the sky, she tries to scream, but again she can't.
Shaking her head out of frustration, she looks back over to see a woman standing between Marshall and Duncan.
Instantly Shaylynn recognizes her, "Shay" Shaylynn says.
"Hi, Shaylynn!" Shay says walking toward her, "Before you go back, I wanted to say thank you for making Kelly so happy! He's a great guy who went down too many wrong paths with relationships. That is until he met you! Watching him, I haven't seen him smile so much since meeting you. But right now, Kelly's devastated and in pain losing you and Kelly Jr. at the same time. You have to go back to him!" Shay tells her.
"Send Kelly Jr. back, he's just a baby!" Shaylynn says out of anger.
"Shaylynn, he can't go back. His lungs and brain weren't fully developed" Shay tells her.
Shaylynn walks up to Duncan and looks down at Kelly Jr. "Hello little man! I'm so sorry my body failed you! Mommy loves you so much!" she says bending down to kiss Kelly Jr. on the forehead.
Shaylynn turns around and grabs her chest, "It hurts!" she says looking at Shay.
"They're performing CPR on you until they can use the paddles" Shay tells Shaylynn, "You have to go back to Kelly and face losing Kelly Jr. together!"
Shaylynn looks back to Marshall, then to Duncan, "Goodbye, Shaylynn!" they both say.
Shay walks up to Shaylynn "Goodbye, Shaylynn! Take care of our Kelly!" Shay says, then smiles.
Shay puts her hand on Shaylynn's chest, Shaylynn feels a surge of energy shoot through her body.

"I have a pulse!" Dr. Rhodes shouts out.
Severide lifts his head out of his hands and wipes his eyes when he hears what Dr. Rhodes shouts.
"Can she be moved to the ICU?" Dr. Rhodes asks the doctor who was performing the surgery.
"Give me five more minutes to finish up!" the doctor tells Dr. Rhodes.
Six minutes later, Shaylynn is being rushed through the halls to ICU.
"Kelly, until everything is settled with Shaylynn, I feel it would be best if you went back to your room" Dr. Rhodes tells him.
Severide looks at him with bloodshot eyes, "Can I go to the NICU instead?"
Dr. Rhodes smiles at him, "Sure! I'll take you."

Arriving at the NICU, Dr. Rhodes pushes Severide inside.
Looking over to the door, a nurse walks over to them, "Can I help you Dr. Rhodes?" she asks.
"This is Kelly Severide" he tells the nurse.
She looks down at Severide and smiles, "Come with me" she says, "I just got them settled in" she says as they head over to two incubators.
Dr. Rhodes pushes Severide up to the first incubator, he looks in and sees it's Saraya.
"Mr. Severide, if I may, can I ask you a few questions?" the nurse asks.
Severide looks at her, "Sure"
"I want to make sure I have their names right. For your daughter, the name I was given was Saraya Shay Severide. Is that correct?" the nurse asks.
"Yes" Severide tells her.
"Great! For your son, I was never given a name" she tells him.
"With everything that was going on at the time, I'm pretty sure no one asked for a name" Dr. Rhodes tells her.
"Oh, okay. I'm sorry" the nurse says, "I didn't mean.." she starts to say when Severide cuts her off.
"It's alright! I understand you're trying to get their paperwork in order and need his name" Severide says to the nurse, "His name is Damian Lee" he tells her.
The nurse smiles at him, "Thank you!" she says as she types the name into her tablet.
"When will I be able to hold them?" Severide asks the nurse.
"It will depend on what the Pediatrician says" the nurse tells him, "It could be tomorrow, a couple of days, to a month."
Dr. Rhodes feels his cell phone vibrate in his pocket. He takes it out and sees it's a text message. Opening it, he reads that they have Shaylynn settled into the ICU.
"Whenever you're ready, they have Shaylynn all settled in" Dr. Rhodes tells Severide.
"Okay, let's go!" Severide says.

Ten minutes later, Dr. Rhodes is wheeling Severide into the ICU, right into Shaylynn's room.
Dr. Rhodes places Severide beside Shaylynn, "I'll step out so you can have some time alone" Dr. Rhodes tells Severide.
Severide reaches out and touches her hand, "I'm here, Baby."
Shaylynn's heartbeat monitor starts beating faster.
A nurse rushes in. Severide looks over at her, while she looks down and sees he's touching Shaylynns hand.
She smiles at him, "She obviously knows you're here."

A little something I typed out while my younger kids are in school and while I wait for my oldest to come home.

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