Chapter 5 "You Don't Have A Say"

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Nurses and the doctor come running into Shaylynn's room.
"Sir, would please step outside!" one of the nurses says to Benny.
Benny hurries out of Shaylynn's room, the nurse closing the door behind him.
He pulls his phone out of his pant pocket.
"Kelly, are you done with the call?" Benny asks his son.
"Yes, what's wrong?" Severide asks him.
"You need to get to Med, NOW! Something serious is happening with Shaylynn!" Benny tells him.
"I'm on my way!" Severide says hanging up.
Severide throws his phone onto the dash of the Squad truck, "DAMN IT! Tony, we need to head to Med! Something's happening with Shaylynn!"
"You got it!" Tony tells Severide, turning the lights and siren on.
"Severide, what's going on?" Casey radios to him.
"Benny called and said something serious is happening with Shaylynn. We're heading to Med!" Severide radios back.
One by one Truck 81, Engine 51, Ambulance 61, and Battalion 25 all turn their lights and sirens on.
"We're coming with you!" Boden radios to Severide.

Fifteen minutes later, all of Firehouse 51 is pulling into Med's parking lot.
Severide jumps down out of the truck and looks back at Boden, "GO! We'll be up there soon!" Boden tells him.
Severide takes off running. Before he knows it, he's in the Maternity Wing. Looking around he sees Benny walking toward him.
"What have you been told?" Severide asks him in a panic.
"No one has come out of the room yet" Benny tells Severide.
Severide turns around, sits down in a chair, and hangs his head, "I'm being punished!" he says.
"How do you get that?" Benny asks him.
"Being with all those women!" Severide says shaking his head, "I lose Anna. Then Shaylynn comes into my life, fall in love, marry her, find out we're having triplets and all this is happening!" he tells Benny.
"Kelly, Anna was touch and go from the start and you know that. Shaylynn's different! Things are happening because she's pregnant with multiples. Pregnancy is tough with just one baby, imagine what it's like on a woman's body with three babies" Benny says.
Severide looks up at Benny when he sees the doctor walking out of Shaylynn's room.
The doctor looks toward the waiting room to see Severide staring at him.
Walking down the hallway, he walks up to Severide.
Severide stares at the doctor eager for answers.
"Shaylynn has Preeclampsia. It wasn't caught when she was first brought in since we were focused on getting her contractions under control" the doctor tells Severide, "With this new information, we might keep her longer."
"Is she and the babies going to be okay?" Severide asks.
"As long as she and the babies are monitored, yes" the doctor tells him, "You can go on back. I'll walk with you"
Severide starts following the doctor down the hallway.
The doctor keeps walking as Severide walks into Shaylynns room. He quickly walks up to her bedside.
He looks at her, grabs her hand, then kisses it, Shaylynn watching his every move.
"I'm not leaving you and the munchkins again!" Severide tells her.
"Kelly, you can't....." Shaylynn starts to say.
"Hush! I'm not leaving! I shouldn't have left the first time!" he tells her.
"Alright" Shaylynn tells him.
Severide looks at her surprised, "Wait! What? You're not going to argue with me? Miracles do happen!"
Shaylynn looks at him and smiles.
Over the course of the week, Severide was able to take time off thanks to others donating their vacation time.
Everyone from the Firehouse stopped in during the week to see how Shaylynn was doing, along with everyone from the Intelligence Unit. Sam, Stone, and Dylan also stopped by.

It's finally discharge day.
Instead of the nurse coming in with Shaylynn's discharge papers, it's the doctor.
"What do I owe the pleasure of you bringing in my discharge papers?" Shaylynn asks him.
"I'm actually here to talk to your husband" the doctor tells Shaylynn.
He looks at Severide, "You have everything in place that we discussed?" the doctor asks.
Shaylynn looks at the doctor, then to Severide, "Would you two like to clue me in on what you're talking about?"
"Since you have to be monitored, I've made arrangements for you to come and stay at the Firehouse with me. That way I can have my eyes on you, plus Gabby and Sylvie can monitor you" Severide tells her.
Shaylynn looks at Severide with a blank stare, "I'm just going to be in the way! Not to mention the white shirts aren't going to like me being there at all!"
"They're not going to be a problem! One, do you really think they would say anything to you about being at the Firehouse? And two, after Benny and Hank had a talk with the white shirts, it wouldn't be wise for them to say anything!" Severide tells her.
Shaylynn shakes her head, "I don't know about this!"
"You don't have a say!" Severide forcefully tells her, "I'm taking care of you and those babies any way I can!"
Shaylynn looks at the doctor, "If it was my wife and she was in the same position, I would tell her the same thing" the doctor says, "All you have left to do is sign these papers and you can be on your way."
Shaylynn signs the papers. The doctor takes them from her and walks out of the room.
She looks at Severide, "If I haven't lost track of the days, today is the start of your shift."
"Your right! We're heading to the Firehouse" Severide tells her.
"But I need to stop by the house to get clothes, necessities, and all that" she tells him.
"It's already been taken care of!" he tells her.
Shaylynn gives him a look, "Sam!" she says.
"Yep, she got everything together for you and dropped it off at the Firehouse this morning. Matt texted to let me know" Severide tells her, "It's time to let others take care of you for a change! Seeing who've been discharged, it probably be a good idea and give you this bag so you can change."
Shaylynn smiles at him, "Yeah, I don't think the hospital would like me to take one of their fashionable gowns!" she says to him as she walks into the bathroom.
When she comes out, she's wearing a long shirt and maternity leggings.

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