Chapter 33 "What Bank Did You Rob"

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After a couple more days, Shaylynn is ready to be discharged.
Dr. Rhodes is in Shaylynn's room going over discharge instructions.
"Since you're in a brace, you have to take things a little slower. Your Physical Therapist was pretty adamant that he did not want you in a cast so you can start therapy ASAP!" Dr. Rhodes tells her, "As for sex, no keeping your leg bent for a long period of time! This would be a great time to come up with new positions!" he tells her and Severide smiling.
"Connor!" Shaylynn says with a smile on her face.
"What? I have to cover everything! As for bathing, cover the area with some gauze, then wrap saran wrap around it" he tells her.
"Any questions?" Dr. Rhodes asks her.
"Nope! Thank you, Connor!" Shaylynn says.
He stands up, walks over to the door, and walks out.
Shaylynn goes to stand up, but stumbles a little catching herself by grabbing the arms of the chair, "This is going to fun! I have so much to do to get ready for Christmas. Then to have a new baby in the house!" she tells Severide.
"I'll be there! We've got this!" Severide tells her with a smile.
He squats down to help put her shoes on, "What do you want for Christmas?" Shaylynn asks him.
"I already got it!" he tells her looking up.
"What's that?" she asks him.
"I'm coming back home!" Severide says standing back up, "We'll be a family full time!" he says smiling bigger.
Shaylynn smiles at him. He moves closer and kisses her.
Severide heads out of Med ahead of Shaylynn so he can get the car up to the doors for her.
Pulling it up to the doors, he gets out just in time as April pushes her outside.
Shaylynn shivers, "I've missed Chicago winters while in the Middle East!" she says.
"I think I better take you back inside!" April tells her.
"Why's that?" Shaylynn asks her.
"So you can get your head checked!" April says laughing.
Shaylynn laughs, "Over there I swear it was 130 in the shade! That's if you could find any shade!" Shaylynn tells April as she pushes her to the car.
Severide and April both help Shaylynn into the car, "Thank you, April!" Shaylynn tells her before Severide closes the door.
"Thanks, April!" Severide says as he walks around to the driver's side.
He quickly gets in and drives off.
With it getting later, the roads are becoming icy.

Severide drives down their street, he turns to go around back so he can pull into the garage.
He pulls into the driveway and touches the button so the garage door goes up.
As it goes up, he notices something's not right.
The door goes up further to reveal a Yukon Denali and a Sierra Denali HD.

The door goes up further to reveal a Yukon Denali and a Sierra Denali HD

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"Shaylynn, what did you do?" Severide asks her.
"I told you I needed something Shannara could ride in," she tells him.
"But there's an SUV and a truck sitting in there!" Severide says staring.
"I know! I got one heck of a deal for both of them! Merry Christmas!" Shaylynn tells him, "With how the roads are getting, it's time to put the Mustang in storage along with my car. If you look to your left, you will see Butch, Rob, and Dave standing there so they can take your car and store it with mine" she tells him.
"But what if things didn't work out between us?" he questions.
"Kelly, I would've still given you the truck! It's a Christmas present! Plus you need something better, SAFER to drive in Chicago winters!" Shaylynn tells him.
"Alright, well let's get you inside!" he tells her.
Helping her out of the car and into the house, Severide helps her sit down on to the couch. He props up her leg and hands her the remote to the TV.
"I'm going to head out and go get Shannara at the Herrmann's" he tells her.
"Okay, be careful!" Shaylynn tells him.
Severide bends over, kisses her, and heads back out to the garage.
Butch is right there to meet him, "Keys!" he tells Severide.
Severide looks at him and hands Butch his keys, "You better take care of our girl!" Butch tells Severide with a stern look.
Looking past Butch, he sees Rob and Dave staring at him, "Don't worry, I will!" Severide says.
With that Butch turns around and walks out to where Rob and Dave are standing.
Butch gets into Severide's Mustang, as Rob and Dave walk over to Dave's truck.
As the other guys leave, Severide gets into his new truck. He sees the keys have been left in the ignition.
Starting it up, he listens to the diesel engine and smiles.

He pulls up in front of the Herrmanns.
Herrmann along with his boys come outside, "Wow Kelly! That's a nice set of wheels!" Lee Henry says.
"Thanks!" Severide says as he walks around.
The little boys run off and start playing in the snow, as Lee Henry walks back inside the house.
Severide looks at Herrmann who's all smiles, "What?" he asks Herrmann.
"What bank did you rob?" Herrmann asks with a smile on his face.
Severide smiles, "It's a Christmas present!"
Herrmann smiles even bigger "What's with the big smile?" Severide asks.
"You must be doing SOMETHING right to get a Christmas present like that!" Herrmann says with his big smile turning into an ornery one.
"Get your mind out of the gutter!" Severide says smiling, "I was told I need something better, safer for Chicago winters."
"BBBBAAAAA! I don't believe that for a second!" Herrmann says smacking Severide on the back and starts laughing as they walk up to the door.
Severide gets Shannara and heads home.

Pulling into the garage he shuts the door and quickly gets Shannara inside.
He walks into the living room and notices Shaylynn isn't there. Putting Shannara's car seat down on the couch, he takes her out and starts looking around for Shaylynn on the first floor.
Not finding her, he heads upstairs.
He takes Shannara into her room and lays her down in her crib. She looks up at him, yawns then closes her eyes.
Severide smiles, then quietly walks out of her room closing the door behind him.
Walking to the master bedroom, he walks in and notices Shaylynn isn't in bed. Then he notices the bathroom door is shut.
He walks over, opens it and hears water running.
"What are you doing?" he asks as he walks in.
"Taking a shower! The nurses tried as hard as they could to clean me up, especially my hair, but they just couldn't get everything out!" Shaylynn tells him.
With the shower stall being all steamed up, Severide walks over to the door and opens it up. He wants to make sure she did what Dr. Rhodes told her to do with the saran wrap.
"Yeah!" Shaylynn yells.
Severide hurries and closes the door. Seeing her with no clothes on, he realizes just how much she's been through with bruises and scrapes all over her body.
"Why did you do that for?" she asks him.
"I wanted to make sure you did what Dr. Rhodes told you!" he tells her.
"You could've just asked!" Shaylynn tells him.
"How did you get up here?" Severide asks her.
"I hopped up the stairs!" Shaylynn tells him.
He lets out a little snicker, "I heard that!" she tells him as she turns off the water.

A week has gone by.
On Shaylynn's first day of physical therapy, Severide went with her.
While she was at her appointment, he went to see Ms. Goodwin about information on how to choose a surrogate.
Over the course of the week, he and Shaylynn look over the information and talk about the pros and cons of why this would be a good choice for them.

It's back to work time for Severide.
They respond to a few minor calls throughout the day.
It's night and everyone retreats back to the bunk room to get some rest.
Around 3 a.m. a call comes into the Firehouse...

Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Battalion 25, house fire.... 2015 North State Parkway

Severide runs out of his Quarters, running into Casey, "Isn't that?" Casey asks him.
"Yes! That's my house!" Severide says as he and Casey run out to the stalls following everyone else.
As Firehouse 51 pulls up, they notice that there's no smoke coming out of the windows, but can see flames.
Boden hurries from his vehicle, quickly walking over to Squad, "Severide! Why isn't the smoke coming out of the windows?"
"The windows are bulletproof!" he tells him.
"Alright listen up everyone! The windows are bulletproof so they won't break!" Boden yells as everyone gears up.
Casey walks over to Severide, "I'm heading upstairs!" Severide tells him as he puts on his mask.
"I figured you would be!" Casey says, then puts his mask on.
Squad 3 walks into the house and quickly makes their way upstairs, as Truck makes their way through the lower floor and basement.
When Squad 3 gets upstairs, there are flames everywhere!
Severide rushes over to the master bedroom door, he tries the knob. It turns, but the door won't open.
He starts pounding on the door, "Shaylynn!" he yells.
"Kelly! Get Shannara! Get her out of here!" Shaylynn yells at him between coughs.
He turns around and sees Capp walk out of Shannara's room, with his coat bulging out.
"Capp has her! Why won't the door open?!" he yells.
"The security system must have short-circuited locking the door!" she says coughing.
"Shaylynn, go to the bathroom, wet a towel, and breathe through it!" Severide yells at her.
Cruz comes running up to Severide with the saw they use for forcible entries.
"Cruz, the door is reinforced steel that wouldn't do anything!" Severide tells him.
"I was thinking more about going through the wall!" Cruz tells him.
"Good thinking!" Severide tells him stepping out of the way.
Cruz starts up the saw and starts cutting into the wall.
A minute later, he's through.
Severide pushes the piece that's been cut away out of his way so he can get into the bedroom.
Walking through the hole, he notices the bedroom is full of smoke.
"Shaylynn!" Severide yells not being able to see anything.
He gets down on the floor hoping he'll be able to see better.
Crawling around, he sees a silhouette lying on the floor, "NO! SHAYLYNN!" Severide yells seeing she didn't even make it to the bathroom.

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