Chapter 1

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Two Months Later

Christmas season was now here and I was busy trying to get the apartment decorated. I had Easton in the body carrier as I moved around.

This little boy was like his father, needed to be on me in order for me to do anything. I had to wait till Dave came home in order to get our tree. Dave didn't care for Christmas due to his own religious affiliations but he knew I wasn't converting and I was not about to give up Christmas because of him.

I was torn between allowing Easton to be baptized catholic or allow Dave to show him the ways of Islam. I felt some type of way that Easton was still not baptized already. I also felt that when the time came when he was older and could speak Dave and him could go to masque together.

"Baby?!" Dave walked in, yelling for me.

"Boy! If you don't shut up" I eyed him, I patted a sleeping Easton.

"Oh shit, my bad" he kisses me and then Easton's head.

"Why you got him in that?" He asked laughing.

"Because he doesn't let me do anything while he's awake, but I'm gonna break him out that because he's not going to be hanging on me all day" I laughed.

"I see you got work done" he looked around at the decorations in the living room.

"Yup! How were finals?"

"Shit, going" he sighed

"I told you I could help you study?"

"Girl when? When you finally catching some sleep or breast feeding?"

"You act like I can't ask my mom to come and help out for one afternoon"

"Yeah I know, but I rather her come over to help you relax a bit. Not to help bust brain cells. Anyway it's not that I'm just tired my damn self."

"Well I cooked, I won't knock your son, he allows me to get stuff done while he's in this" I laughed.

"Come put him down, I'm going to shower. Take a chill pill"

"I'm chillin, you the one that looks stressed"

"Can I get some love tonight?"

"I can cuddle with you" I laughed.

"Can I just rest my head in the dessert table"

"Boy! Get out of here" I laughed.

"I'm not gonna do my little mans like that but he do sleep through the night. But he don't know what naps are" Dave laughed.

"I'm surprised he's knocked now"

"He sleeping how I wanna be knocked"

"And you busy worried about eating what's not on the dinner table" I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever... do you know what you want for Christmas ?"

I hadn't really thought about, I had been so wrapped up with baby boy.

"I don't know, you know I don't ask for anything"

"I could upgrade your car"

"Stop, my dad is taking care of that"

"Your shit is clean though, I might buy him out and keep it" he joked.

"You can't have my baby"

"He's my baby too" he joked referring to Easton.

"My car baby isn't for sale or for you" I stuck my tongue out.

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