Chapter 12

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Monday morning came and I was running late trying to get Easton to Mama Gee's house. I hadn't even left the house yet, trying to pack his bag and my own. I had all this shit organized last night but of course it would be morning of to do me this dirty.

"Where is your back up pacifier" I looked around his room.

"Knock, knock" I heard a voice at the door frame.

Turning around and seeing Dave in the doorway of Easton room.

"Oh thank God" I sighed in relief.

"What's up Mama?"

He walked in, going towards the crib. Picking up Easton he kissed his cheeks and came over to where I was flustered. Kissing my temple he pulled me away from what I was doing.

"Chill out woman"

"I have to go, I got class in an hour and I have to get him to my grandmother's. I can't find half the stuff I need to pack"

"Just go I got it"

"You just got in" I looked at him

"Okay? I'm a dad that's my reality" he laughed.

"You start classes today" I looked at him again, remembering his schedule.

"Okay, and I got that too, I'll just bring him with me"

"No, he's too little to be around all them germs, please drop him off to Mama" I stopped fussing.

"Okay, I got it babe, go" he chuckled looking at me.

"Okay ... bye baby" I kissed Easton and then Dave.

"You driving?"

"No that would be a nightmare"

"Okay, so I'll come get you later. Keep me posted"

"Okay" I walked out the room, grabbing my bag and my phone. I was finally on my way out.


"If you don't tell Mama Gee or Mommy, I'll let you nap with me in Papi's bed" I faked bargained with Easton.

I had Easton in his stroller and I was on campus. I had two classes with starting at 1 pm and another at 3:15.

Me and East was gonna be good, I had fed him and changed him. He just needed to keep quiet which I was sure he would once he heard all the voices. Walking to my first class, I walked in looking like a real Dad with this stroller and diaper bag on. I knew I was giving thug Dad vibes with my backpack and fit.

I took a seat by the door and away from what I assume would be traffic. Easton was looking around with his pacifier on, like he was trying to figure out where he was.

I got my new notebook out that Jay got me and took out a pen. I was taking an English class this semester and I knew I was bound to end up not reading half the shit on the syllabus.

"Aww he's cute" one chick that walked in said as she passed by me.

"Thank you" I smiled at East.

"Looks like we have young scholar" I assume this had to be the professor.

"I hope you don't mind, his mom and I are both in school and we had a hard time trying to get him to someone" I lied just a little.

"Oh it's the first day, we should be quick so I won't mind" she smiled down at Easton.

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