The Twenty Four

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Floating. He was floating. Where was he, could he remember? He had been sent on a mission, a mission to look into the plans of the fallen ones. Hundreds of the fallen ones were waiting for them and had beaten them into unconsciousness. So now he floated in a vat of liquid and he felt that his glory had left him. It was the slime he bobbed up and down in, a vile evil liquid, that had robbed him of his eternal power. What did they want? surely not to turn him against God? He would never do it — that is why he had been chosen in the first place. Raising his head slightly from the liquid he saw that the others he had come with were also in vats in a giant cavern somewhere on an asteroid in the Sol system.

He was the only one conscious, a piece of furniture had rolled into the vat with him and was helping him to float more than the others. Seeing one of those doomed to destruction enter the cavern he closed his eyes to a crack. The fallen one got to the closest vat and used a knife like implement to stab one of his companions. There was no reaction from the brother angel. Looking at the tube that led into the blade the dark one grimaced then got up and walked back into the darkness from which he had come.

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