Part 78

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The king’s camp was not so far away. Chelnuk tried to engage the envoy in conversation but he kept his distance. Nimen however was able to ride next to him and so he felt better able to talk to one of his own kind. “I have come from the land of Aram to the north.”

“I have heard of Aram,” said the envoy in a surly way, “my father came from there when he was a boy. He said that one of the city kings had defeated a large army.”

“That is my lord Kendra who led the king's army, he is the father of the giant who you see before you,” he nodded ahead to where his friend walked.

The envoy grunted a grudging acknowledgment to Chelnuk of his honoured father. “If times were different we may have been friends.”

As they neared the camp that was nestled in some rocks they saw some guards near the entrance and some children came to greet them.

Passing the guards the envoy led them to the tent of Jashnak. He entered to speak privately to the king about the situation. Disgast felt uneasy about being within the camp of an enemy and surveyed his surroundings warily.

Kendra is now available on the Kindle



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