What Do You Guys Think

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Hey. So I'm an FtM human and I'm sort of unsure about my name.

Its always been Alexander/Alex. Yes I like the name but I'm not 100% sure about it.

I was wondering if any of you guys had some other ideas. I may not change it from Alex at all. But I want to see if anyone had another name they think would suit me.

Here is my face currently to make things eaiser:

Here is my face currently to make things eaiser:

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So I was taking online tests about what my name would be if I was born a boy. I pretty much did all the tests on page one of google.

The answers got were:
Leaving out the ones that were completely stupid.

I was talking to my mom (who I'm not out to yet) and I asked her what my name would have been if I was born a boy. She told me that it would have been: Seth.

I originally went with Alexander blindly because Alex is in my name and I thought that it would be easier for the people around me to get used to. But now I'm not sure if it suits me.

If I get any comments please don't say either Phillip or Robert because those are my middle names. Just saying.

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