Another Serious Note

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Ok. I want to do more serious notes because this is an FtM Journal so it's meant to help people too.

So I wanna Talk about what to do if a family member is LGBTphobic.

Being LGBTphobic is a person who doesn't like someone for their sexuality or gender expression.

Ok. So this is another issue in my life.

My sister and I grew up in different households. She lives with her Ant on her dad's side and I life with my dad.

She is my half sister. I am her half brother.

Long story short she was raised by her Ant. She knows her as her mom. But I know her as her Ant because we share a mom and that's how we are related.

Anyway. She was raised to beleive being Gay is wrong and there are only 2 genders of which you must stay the same gender all your life.

She doesn't know any different. She was raised this way.

If you have someone in your life that you can't just walk away on like this.

Try to change their mind. Be subtle, like mentioning a friend who just got into a same as relationship. Or a friend who identifies with another gender.

Even if this friend that you talk about doesn't exist. They don't know that. Random person with a random name. That sounds believable.

It shows you what this person thinks about this topic.

Now that you know. Say they don't like these people. Like in my case with my sister.

It's way easier for me to say that I'm Panromantic/Asexual and explain it than it is for me to say that I'm an FtM trans male who doesn't want to be called his birth name or she/her pronouns.

So I told her.
Me *I'm Panromantic and Asexual.

Her *What does  that mean?

Me explains it to her*

Her *So you like girls AND boys?

Me realizing she's 10 and won't understand it completely *Yes.

Her *It would be weird if you date a girl.

Me *What would be weird about it?

Her *It just looks wierd when girls date girls.

Anyway. I'm hoping to get her used to the idea. I want to introduce her to the LGBT rights community.

Show them what it means to be apart of the LGBT community. They might see how much it means to you and start excepting it. Or at least learn to exept it.

Just tell them that want they said is offensive to you. They might relize what you mean even if you have to explain it but they should get the message to not say it again.

Ok. So this is something that I was thinking about doing to my sister but I don't know how she's gonna react. Anyway.

Get a picture of  your friend. Who happens to be the same sex. Go up to this person and tell them that your dating. After receiving the answer they give you tell them it was just a joke and then tell them what you really need to say.

Like after receiving the answer they give you just say, *just kidding I'm not dating them... I'm actually just transgender.

This could be a coming out idea too. But I wouldn't advise it. Unless it's someone you don't care what they think but still have to be around.

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