I Want Your input

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What do you want to read but don't want to write. Let me write it. Just give me an idea.

I want to see if I can fit a few different things into one book. It will take a hell of a long time but I think I can do it.

I've never seen this done before but I want to try it out.

I just want a handful of random thoughts coming from you that you would be interested in. It can be a character idea or design or a random event or even something big.

Give me something.

All I'm asking is for a handful of words in the comment section and I can even try to make sence of it.

Give me a piece of dialogue. It doesn't even have to make sence. I'll just give it a meaning.

Two rules. 1. It has to be in English. 2. You have to tell me what you're giving me. Tell me if you give me line of dialouge or if you give me a story idea or something.

Other than that. Go nuts.

I have a few books on the way already and I know they are later than I wanted, and I'm sorry but I'm trying. I will get them out when I can.

Ryker 5 minutes later: I just went to see how much is done on them and Google docs deleted everything I had for my one book.

I think I know a way to get it back but I can't until I'm on my computer at home. I'm at my grandma's until Sunday night.

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