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Ok  ok. So I have my French teacher calling me by Alex. But she still uses she her pronouns for me. No other teacher calls me Alex so it's really a step for me.

Anyway we are doing feminine and masulines for French adjectives.

So I couldn't remover which was which so I asked her.

This was the conevrsation:

Writes down the word without feminine or masculine conjugations

Teacher: So you conjugate it to make it into a feminine word.

Me: ok. *slightly dying on the inside.

Teacher: unless you want to identify with the masculine conjugations, just let me know what your doing so I don't make your test wrong.

I love this teacher. She is officaly the best teacher I've ever had. At the beginning of the year. She even told me that she would call me Alex and if she needed to call my dad she would use my birth name.

I'm thinking the only reason she's the only teacher that calls me Alex is because I'm out to her. ( technically was outed to her, but still out)

Anyway I just want to say one more thing before you all leave.

I am posting a writing tips book today (October 24 2017) and I'm posting a different story hopefully before the end of next week.

Just wanted to promote that.

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