Coming Out Tips

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Ok. Coming out tips. What you've all been waiting for.

1. Just tell them.
Make sure you cover everything. How you feel. How long you have excepted yourself. How you found out. Anything else you feel the need to cover

2. Write a letter.
This is a good way to make sure you cover everything. And a good way to give them time to think about it before you have a conversation about it. Read it over when your done then give it to them. You could put it in their car before they leave for work in a place you know they will see it. Or just hand it to them before you leave for school/work.

3. Hints.
This is a way to say it but not say it. Lay down hints at any time possible after a little bit they probably will get it.

I just want to say a few more things about coming out before you leave this chapter.

1. Please Do Not Come Out To Your Parents If You Fell Unsafe Whatsoever

2. If you don't know how your parents will react and there is a chance they will react poorly but you still feel the need to tell them, please Have A Safe House. Just some where that you can stay in case you get kicked out.

3. In the case of friends. Know that even if your friends don't except you. Someone Exepts You For Who You Are. Even if you haven't met them yet. Try to remember that you can make knew friends any day of the year.

3. (For all you religious people's) God Loves You For Who You Are. God would never make someone just to hate them.

You guys are the best.

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