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I hate fillers but here is a filler.

I haven't been too active on my social media. I go on once in awhile but not too much. I just haven't felt too up to it.

It's the beginning of my first weekend up at my cottage for 2018. I not excited and happy about it nor am I was or upset about it. I'm neutral about it.

On one hand, it's the only time of year I don't have to be at home and I get to go out and do stuff with my family. But on the other hand, I can't wear sweaters because I will have a heat stroke and I can't go out in any less than 2 layers because of dysphoria.

I went to the festival of trees in Toronto this week and that was probably the best day of my life.

I got my favorite White Pine book signed. (White pine is an awards thing for books geared toward grade 9-12 students. There are other awards things for different ages there but it's my age category so that's what we are gonna talk about)

The book is Girl Mans Up. I won't say what the book is about but I will recommend it to everyone. I don't care who you are, just read it.

Anyway, I got it made to my preferred name, Ryker. There was a person with sticky notes writing name so the author knows how to spell names without have to ask every time.

So when I got to the front with my book and name on the sticky note the author asked, "Is that you're real name?"
And I said "Yea. Well it gonna be."
"That's an awesome name. I might use that in a future book."

So that had to be the highlight of my day.

I met a girl and I like her. (I don't know if I mentioned this. I have the memory of a goldfish) I have really never felt the same way about anyone ever. I think she likes me too but I'm  afraid to ask her out.

I am gonna try to ask her out soon.

The only thing is, I'd never get yo see her cause she is in a different school about 45 minutes from me. Also she is graduating.

We met at a drama festival so we are both acting nerds. I had my only home play and she rushed out just to see it. She didn't make it in time but stayed outside the school until it was over so that we could see each other.

Anyway. So that's my update. I'm working on getting more posted on my account. Have fun everyone. (That sounded like a rhyme)

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