10 30 At Night 'Oct 13

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Its about 10 30 at night and im hiding under the covers of my sleeping bag. Because we already have to go bed and I'm not tierd. I'm a night owl. I like the dark and being awake late.

I'm in the girls cabin which sucks but there is nothing unreal can do other then suck it up and go to sleep.

I've been thinking about his girl I like lately. She likes me back but I'm kind of scared to ask her out because we've been best  friends since we were 8 and I'm worried that if we break up that will wreak our friendship. And I've never been in a real relationship. I don't know how thees things work.

I kind have told her j thought of her as just a friend because I was scared of telling her how I felt.

Also. The fact that I'm asexual. That scares me. She loves the whole kissing and touchy feely and im not.

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