Hey. Hi. Howdy. Hey.

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What up. So I have exams coming up. I'm taking the day off school tomorrow to study and this weekend I'm going to do very important things. I will tell you about them below.


So I won't be able to update until Wednesday. Of next week or this weekend if I get the chance. We'll see.

So I will be making a plan of things I want to accomplish this weekend below.

1. Design a bed.
Yes, I said design a bed. I am going to be working on a project, not for school, to make a bed. I want to do this cause I don't have much space to work with, in my room. Even the room that I'm getting in a few weeks. So I want a loft bed that will allow me to have my dresser and maybe a desk underneath. That will give me so much more space to do what I want with.

2. Start a letter.
I haven't seen my little brother in over 8 years. I want to be able to see him again before he grows up. The person he is being taken care of is his aunt on his dad's side. We have different dads. So I will be writing a letter to his aunt asking to see him again. I can't finish it within a weekend so I only want to start it. Also, I'm getting my older brother to help me with it when he comes to visit from college.

3. Start another story for wattpad.
Ok. I won't be publishing it until it is done. It got too overwhelming to try to stick to a schedule so if I just upload everything at once i dont have to worry about it.

4. Finish Phoenix.
I'm almost done it and it will be updated soon.

5. Finish a few more chapters in the book I'm reading.
I got it at the start of the year I need to read more.

That's a long list but I have a bit to do it. So yee.

Also, my headphone keeps cutting out on me and I'm pissed off. They only work if they are held a certain way. I'm gonna save the 200 and just buy the apple blue tooth. I love apple earbuds and I think they are way overpriced but worth it. I might just go buy plug-in ones for like 50 but I'll figure it out when I actually get a job.

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